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Reading Law

Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts, Antonin Scalia and Bryan A. Garner. Thomson/West, 2012. $69.93 new, $43.27 used, and Kindle edition at Amazon.com. As they say on the Internet, IANAL. I am not a lawyer. So what am I, a non-lawyer, doing reviewing a book on reading legal texts? A book that might well be a law school text or part of an...

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Liberty Squashed by the Legislature

This comic represents the Wyoming Liberty Index, maintained by the Wyoming Liberty Group but scored by volunteers. 

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Mead’s Latest Medicaid Gambit

by Charles Katebi No single provision of Obamacare has been more disastrous than Medicaid Expansion. It's cost taxpayers billions more than promised and hurt the very people it was intended to help. Now Governor Mead wants to try yet again to expand this ruinous government program in Wyoming. Following an event at an oil recovery facility in Rivert...

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A flagrant example of media bias

When we spotted a flagrant example of media bias, we thought this cartoon would help explain it. 

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Government-run health care

Government-run health care. 

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With federal funds come federal shackles

With federal funds come federal shackles. 

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Private Property Principles Can Solve Casper’s Smoking Ban Dilemma

by Wyoming Liberty Staff Core property rights principles can help resolve Casper's ongoing debate about smoking in bars better than some one-size-fits-all regulatory regime. The right to exclude others can empower individual bar owners to sort out how much or little smoking occurs in bars across Casper. Therefore, Casper does not need a citywide ba...

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Charter School Battle Heats Up in Wyoming

by Wyoming Liberty Staff Wyoming is no stranger to the ugliness of the school choice battle. When it comes to the state monopoly over education, parents are almost always the losers. Currently, local school districts are the only body with the authority under the law to approve an independent public charter school. These elected school boards have ...

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Corporate Welfare and its Insidious Destruction

When the Wyoming Business Council proposes a handout for a private business, the focus is on the positive—jobs, economic diversification, the flag and apple pie. When it brings these proposals before the State Loan and Investment Board (SLIB), the costs of these handouts—wasted resources, cronyism and the damage to unsubsidized competition—go unmen...

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Corporate Welfare’s White Elephants

Maureen Bader and Glenn Woods talk about Wyoming Business Council's funneling of public money for private benefit and in Gillette and other Wyoming communities. 

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Cheyenne Wants a Home for a White Elephant to Roam

Wyoming faces a multi-million dollar deficit in the 2017-18 biennium and the specter of plummeting revenue looms large on the horizon. Why then, is the State Loan and Investment Board (SLIB) about to rubber stamp funding to help lift a new $18 million terminal off the ground at an airport that just last year lost 50 percent of its customer seating ...

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Wyoming’s Collision Course with the Cadillac Tax

by Charles Katebi Wyomingites pays more for health insurance than residents of any other state. And thanks to Obamacare, we're about to pay a lot more. Starting in 2018, employer-based health plans that exceed $10,200 in premiums for individuals and $27,500 for families will be hit with a whopping 40 percent "Cadillac Tax." If you receive health in...

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The Failure of the Fed

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. – The Matrix, 1999 What if I were Morpheus, and you had just taken the red pill? Where...

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Are You One of The Favorites Who Benefits from “Public Benefit” Spending?

Wyoming's Legislative Service Office (LSO) released a report evaluating Public Purpose Investments (PPI), the use of the Permanent Wyoming Mineral Trust Fund (PWMTF) to subsidize loans in the state. The report found that PPIs returned less financially than the Treasurer's regular portfolio. This is important because no matter how politicians try to...

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Direct Primary Care: Wyoming’s Opportunity for Affordable Healthcare

by Charles Katebi In a promising moment of bipartisan agreement, members of Wyoming's Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Committee began drafting legislation that will allow patients and physicians to contract directly with each other and escape our disastrously overregulated insurance system. This legislation will strengthen every Wyoming res...

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School Choice Provides Real Taxpayer Savings

by Wyoming Liberty Staff This fall Wyoming legislators are busy attending interim Committee meetings on a variety of subjects, all of which will be addressed in the cold winter months of February and March during the 2016 Budget Session. Current trends indicate long-term budget problems for Wyoming. This April I wrote a blog entitled, The Urgent Ca...

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Direct Primary Care in Wyoming

Charlie Katebi and Glenn Woods talk about Charlie's testimony on a program that could reduce healthcare costs in the state. 

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WyLiberty Testifies in Favor of Direct Primary Care

by Charles Katebi Lovell, WY- The Wyoming Liberty Group testified in favor of Direct Primary Care before the Joint Labor, Health, and Social Services Interim Committee this week, an innovative healthcare payment plan that if exempted from state insurance regulations would expand health access at a fraction of the cost of traditional health insuranc...

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Charlie Katebi discussed his testimony before the Joint Labor, Health, and Social Services Interim Committee with Chuck Gray on KVOC in Casper

Direct Primary Care can help make healthcare more affordable in Wyoming. Aug. 25, 2015 

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Halt the March to Fuel Poverty in Wyoming

A favorite corporate welfare scheme in Wyoming uses tax dollars to attract private companies to the state. One headline-grabbing scheme involves tax breaks and grants for data center attraction. When spinning the benefits of these subsidies, politicians make effusive claims to taxpayers, raving on about diversifying the economy, creating jobs, boos...

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Cheyenne WY 82009

Phone: (307) 632-7020

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1740 H Dell Range Blvd. #274
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Phone: (307) 632-7020