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Release - Concern about taxation disclosed in WyLiberty poll

CHEYENNE, WY: The Wyoming Liberty Group released its Taxpayer Protection poll question results today, showing that 65 percent of respondents are more likely to vote for a candidate who has signed a pledge promising to not raise state taxes. "The people of Wyoming are sensible so of course are more likely to vote for candidates who commit to voting ...

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Obamacare's hidden cruelty to patients

Charlie Katebi and Glenn Woods discuss the debate over Medicaid expansion in Wyoming and why it threatens the health of vulnerable and low income patients. 

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Medicaid expansion’s hidden cruelty

by Charles Katebi There's no question that Wyoming needs reforms that make healthcare more affordable, accessible, and responsive to the needs of patients. Expanding Medicaid under Obamacare is not one of them. Instead, the program crowds out private insurance, underpays doctors, and delivers terrible outcomes to patients. For starters, Medicaid ex...

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Medicaid's Empty Promise to Patients

In this short video, Charlie Katebi explains why Medicaid can't afford to take care of Wyoming's most vulnerable patients. It's time for something new. 

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Block Grants: A prescription for Medicaid reform in Wyoming

by Charles Katebi Every year, Wyoming taxpayers spend hundreds of millions of dollars on Medicaid. Yet we have little to say in its management. The federal government mandates who Medicaid covers, what it pays for, and how it pays doctors. Because of all these mandates, Medicaid has grown too large and cumbersome to ensure patients have reliable ac...

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Wyoming Must Reduce Education Spending

State revenues are declining dramatically and are expected to continue to decline. That means big ticket items, even crucial ones like K-12 education, must feel the pinch. No one wants the quality of education in Wyoming to drop, but the spending on it must decrease. Why? The Consensus Revenue Estimating Group (CREG) projected in January that total...

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Why Wyoming Needs a Taxpayer Protection Pledge

We often point to the third-party payer problem as the cause of the explosion in health care costs. Insurers pay doctors who provide services to patients. This separation of payer and patient means the patient has little incentive to question the cost or even the quality of service. Now imagine what would happen if a big part of a state's spending ...

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Wyoming's Budget Crisis is a Health Care Crisis

Charlie Katebi and KGAB's Gary Freeman discuss Governor Matt Mead's budget cuts and how the state's fiscal crisis exposes Medicaid's empty promises to patients. 

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Cost of K-12 Education in Wyoming

WyLiberty's financial analyst Bob Nelson talks about the annual cost of K-12 education in Wyoming.  

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The Problem with the Santa Claus State

An accidental step towards real reform may benefit the charitable sector. Wyoming government revenues will not meet projections for the 2017-18 biennium. With a projected shortfall of between $240 and $510 million, Governor Mead responded by cutting the 2017-18 biennium budget by $248 million, or about 8-percent of the 2-year general fund budget of...

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The Environment for Free Speech

Free speech is under attack from three main sources around the world. Government repression has increased. After the Soviet Union fell, Russia enjoyed a free-for-all. Alas, today Mr. Putin has tightened the muzzle again. A number of non-state actors are at that game. Journalists in Mexico who investigate corruption may end up dead. Jihadists shoot ...

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Freeing Patients from Medicaid

Charlie Katebi and John Birbari discuss the budget crisis' impending impact on Medicaid and how patient-centered reforms can give Medicaid patients greater control over their healthcare and deliver better value for taxpayers. 

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Saving Patients from Medicaid

by Charles Katebi Liberals frequently claim that Medicaid expands healthcare options to the less fortunate. But without major reforms, Medicaid will become a major barrier for patients seeking care. Medicaid's looming threat to patients stems from its wasteful reimbursement regime. The program pays most doctors, hospitals, and clinics on a fee-for-...

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Beating a Path to Medicaid Reform

by Charles Katebi Wyoming originally opted into Medicaid to help low-income individuals access medical care. But unless this entitlement undergoes systemic reforms, patients will find it harder than ever to get healthcare. At Wyoming's Joint Labor, Health, and Social Services Committee meeting in Casper, the Department of Health announced it will c...

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Revenue Committee Supports Internet Sales Tax Grab

In Wyoming, some politicians are looking high and low for ways to take your money, especially if they can make it look like someone else is slipping his hand into your pocket. One way that popped up during a recent Revenue Committee meeting is a tax on Internet retail sales. Proponents justify this tax grab in two ways. First, the need for more tax...

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Medicaid’s Critical Condition

by Charles Katebi Governor Matt Mead's critics rightly chastised his plan to expand Medicaid without any foreseeable way of paying for new patients. Now it turns out we can't even afford totake care of patients already on Medicaid. In April, Wyoming's Consensus Revenue Estimating Group (or CREG) reported that the state will take in $110 to $130 mil...

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Medicaid's Fiscal Cliff

Charlie Katebi and Gary Freeman on KGAB discuss the Department of Health's plans to cut $200 million from state healthcare programs, including Medicaid. They also dicuss how these cuts will make it harder for patients to see doctors and how Wyoming should reform Medicaid. 

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Weaning Wyoming Off Welfare

by Charles Katebi Welfare was originally created as a safety-net of last resort for those unable to help themselves. But all too often it traps otherwise productive individuals in government dependency, sapping their potential and life prospects. According to a report by the Cato Institute titled The Work Versus Welfare Tradeoff, low-income individ...

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Of Marijuana, Whining and the Failure to Launch: A Lesson in Wyoming Lobbying

by Stephen Klein In the Fall of 2013, I attended a presentation from the Cheyenne Police Department on marijuana enforcement in the city after Colorado's enactment of its recreational marijuana law the previous year. Chief Brian Kozak was matter-of-fact, and was not there to advocate but to simply update the audience. This was not, however, the pos...

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Can We Please Try Limited Government Now?

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff On Thursday April 28 the Bureau of Economic Analysis released its advance estimate of GDP growth for the first quarter of 2016: Real gross domestic product -- the value of the goods and services produced by the nation's economy less the value of the goods and services used up in production, adjusted for price changes ...

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