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Obamacare Apocalypse Now? Exploring the question of the Affordable Care Act’s Constitutionality

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Why should you care about Obamacare's constitutionality? Simply put, if the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) were to be ruled unconstitutional, then Medicaid expansion would not be an option for the State of Wyoming, and our healthcare market could open up to more than one insurance provider for ...

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Republicans Can Repeal Obamacare’s Premium Increases

by Charles Katebi As President Obama prepares to leave the oval office, Senate Republicans started a parliamentary process called budget reconciliation to repeal key pieces of his healthcare law. They plan to eliminate a myriad of Obamacare's tax and spending provisions, but leave its health insurance regulations in place. This is a peculiar decisi...

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Donald Trump's Presidency Heralds the End of Obamacare

by Charles Katebi Last week marked the fourth and most likely the last year that the federal healthcare exchanges will sell insurance under the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. That's because Republican Presidential-elect Donald Trump vows to repeal Obamacare during his first hundred days in office and jumpstart real healthcare reform. At a spee...

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How Obamacare Fails the Uninsured

by Charles Katebi The Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as "Obamacare," will begin selling insurance plans for the fourth year in a row this week. The big question on everyone's mind is: do people want Obamacare insurance? After all, the primary purpose of Obamacare is to provide affordable coverage to the uninsured. As President Obama said:...

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Majority of Wyoming Voters Oppose Medicaid Expansion

Charlie Katebi and KGAB's Gary Freeman discuss a new poll by the Wyoming Liberty Group that finds a large majority of Wyoming voters oppose expanding Medicaid under Obamacare.  

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New Poll Reveals Voters Strongly Oppose Medicaid Expansion

Charlie Katebi joined Glenn Woods on Bold Republic to discuss a new poll that shows most Wyoming voters oppose Obamacare's expansion of Medicaid.  

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New Reforms Pay Patients to Shop for Healthcare

by Charles Katebi Every 8 weeks, Paula Bennet visits a primary care clinic to receive Remicaid infusions to treat her Crohn's disease. Normally, an appointment like this would cost $30 in copays. But in Paula's case, her health plan pays her. That's because her employer, Health Trust, works with a company called Vitols SmartShopper that rewards wor...

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Obamacare’s expansion means less, not more healthcare

by Charles Katebi Since Obamacare became law, patients have seen their health insurance choices disappear. There are fewer insurers selling fewer plans with narrower networks than ever before. And now Obamacare's architects want to snuff out the few remaining private options and replace them with government rationing and substandard healthcare. Pre...

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Obamacare's hidden cruelty to patients

Charlie Katebi and Glenn Woods discuss the debate over Medicaid expansion in Wyoming and why it threatens the health of vulnerable and low income patients. 

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Medicaid expansion’s hidden cruelty

by Charles Katebi There's no question that Wyoming needs reforms that make healthcare more affordable, accessible, and responsive to the needs of patients. Expanding Medicaid under Obamacare is not one of them. Instead, the program crowds out private insurance, underpays doctors, and delivers terrible outcomes to patients. For starters, Medicaid ex...

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