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The Illusion of Medicaid Expansion - Wyoming lawmakers consider a new health care advisory

by Wyoming Liberty Group Call it an illusion. It sounds good, in principle: More healthcare coverage for those who can't afford it. Who wouldn't want that? But as the old saying goes, nothing's really free. That includes Medicaid, the government program aimed at providing health insurance for children and adults with limited resources. For years, p...

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Uncovering the Truth About Medicaid Expansion with Dr. John Mansell - Episode 067

Welcome back to another episode of Eye on The Issues! We recorded this interview with Dr. John Mansell during the 2024 Wyoming legislative session when it was still to be determined if this year's session would see yet another attempt to expand Medicaid in our state. For the first time in several years, no actual attempts were made. However, very r...

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Articles of Interest - Medicaid Expansion Won't Stop Rural Hospital Closures

The states are being sold another bill of medical goods with the pressure to expand Medicaid. It's a wonder why our state would sign up in effect to expand the Affordable Care Act thru the back door of false reasoning for expanding Medicaid. It begins with pretending that a limited program for a limited group of people that the States and Federal a...

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MedEx Deja Vu - Eye on the Issues - Episode 002

Wyoming physician Dr. John Mansell joins host Mike Garofalo. Dr. Mansell is an MIT grad, retired Army Colonel, biotech company founder, and a practicing Wyoming pain physician. In this episode, Dr. Mansell shares real-life facts surrounding the highly contentious topic of Medicaid Expansion. At the time of the interview, HB0080 - Medical treatment ...

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Marijuana and MedEx Oh My! - Eye on the Issues - Episode 001

Host Mike Garofalo sits down with Senator Dan Laursen from Senate District 19. Senator Laursen has served in the Wyoming Legislature since 2015. In this episode, they discuss the Senator's thoughts on Medicaid Expansion, the future of marijuana in Wyoming, and more.

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Medicaid Expansion, It’s Back in Legislation for Consideration Again?

Let your Legislators Know, No Way do I support the Expansion of Government-Run Healthcare.  It will expand a federally regulated, unrealistic fee schedule based on the presumption that healthcare systems and facilities can operate for next to nothing. It will deny benefits to a small group of disabled and critically impoverished people and cre...

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Single Payer Healthcare- Rationing Medical Services

Prison, the armed services, Medicare and Medicaid are single payer healthcare systems- the government collects the taxes, sets the payment amounts and "reimburses" providers. The stated objective is to provide a health care yet the end result is rationing. Government is automatically an inefficient way to pay providers- first because it is inflexib...

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Medicaid Expansion is Like a Three-Year-Old Doing Your Grocery Shopping

by Guest Comment Submission Having the Revenue Committee introduce a Medicaid Expansion bill into the legislature is like having your three-year-old do your grocery shopping. It's all ice cream, popsicles, and candy. Only to make the metaphor more accurate, your three-year-old goes out and finds fifty more toddlers who then spend all of your grocer...

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Medicaid Expansion Has Been a Disaster for Montana

During the final moments of the Senate Labor, Health, and Social Services committee meeting this morning, some pro-MedEx folks raised questions about the facts surrounding Medicaid expansion in the state of Montana. For those who need the truth, here is an excellent research piece from Hayden Dublois. Hayden is a research analyst for FGA, he testif...

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GO BROKE AND DIE WAITING IN LINE In Montana, Medicaid spending grew from 17% to 26% of the overall budget (2015 to 2018, after expansion). These cost increases are consistent in every expansion state with available data, along with dramatically higher enrollment and cost than initial projections. Perhaps the former Montana speaker doesn't see that ...

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