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The Welfare States of America – and Wyoming

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff The persistent deficits in the federal budget, as well as in the Wyoming state finances, are painful reminders of government overspending. Understandably, we often hear calls for drastic spending reductions, and they will become necessary soon enough, unless we begin reforming our state and local governments in the di...

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Testimony: Pay Patients to Find Affordable Healthcare

by Charles Katebi Testimony before the Wyoming Labor, Health, and Social Services Committee, August 25, 2016 My name is Charlie Katebi. I'm a policy analyst with the Wyoming Liberty Group. I'd like to thank the Department of Health for researching and bringing greater attention to Wyoming's lack of healthcare transparency, and why we need greater c...

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Reforming Entitlements Benefit Patients and Taxpayers Alike

by Charles Katebi Entitlements used to be considered the "third-rail" of American politics. Now the public recognizes that without major changes to Medicare and Medicaid, both programs threaten our fiscal future. Fortunately, there are reforms that not only save taxpayers money, but also deliver better healthcare to the elderly and needy. But befor...

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Mandatory Benevolence: The Growing Push for Paid Sick Leave

In an editorial from October 24, the Casper Star Tribune attacks alleged wage discrimination. Citing statistics that women in general earn less than men, the newspaper predictably calls for more government intervention as the universal solution. That solution, says the Tribune, would be "fair schedules and paid sick leave so that workers with care ...

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