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Property Rights

Take away a persons right to have sovereignty for family or business and we will not have freedom of choice. Property guarantees personal well being and activity, without it the dictates of feudalism of government forces take away the worth of human activity. We must maintain property rights for the people and only when a greater good agreed...

Take away a persons right to have sovereignty for family or business and we will not have freedom of choice. Property guarantees personal well being and activity, without it the dictates of feudalism of government forces take away the worth of human activity. We must maintain property rights for the people and only when a greater good agreed upon by the people should we use legal redress.


Drones and Trespass: Surveillance Issues Hover in the Legislative Interim

by Steve Klein Eight years ago, WyLiberty supported a Drone Protection Act that would require law enforcement to get a warrant before using an unmanned aerial vehicle (that's a fancy term for "drone") to search private property in criminal investigations. The bill, sponsored by the Joint Judiciary Committee, passed the Wyoming House but then died i...

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Citizens Must Vote To Defend Freedom for All

by Wyoming Liberty Staff James Madison warned us in Federalist #10 of the violence "a number citizens who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens" can do to liberty. 3,368 voters in Casper just illustrated his point by neglecting to perform their civic duty to stand up for ...

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Private Property Principles Can Solve Casper’s Smoking Ban Dilemma

by Wyoming Liberty Staff Core property rights principles can help resolve Casper's ongoing debate about smoking in bars better than some one-size-fits-all regulatory regime. The right to exclude others can empower individual bar owners to sort out how much or little smoking occurs in bars across Casper. Therefore, Casper does not need a citywide ba...

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Federal Land Mismanagement

More than 50 years ago Bernard DeVoto uttered perhaps the truest statement ever made with respect to the public lands and the rural West; the actual western view of the place of the federal government, DeVoto explained, is: "Go away and give us more money." Robert H. Nelson, Our Languishing Public Lands, Policy Review, February & March 2012. Th...

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End Civil Forfeiture in Wyoming

In October, comedian John Oliver discussed the practice of civil asset forfeiture on his HBO program "Last Week Tonight." His bit closed with a parody of the show "Law & Order," featuring a police detective interrogating a pile of money and another running in dramatic slow motion with a seized toaster. Unfortunately, in real life civil forfeitu...

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Civil Forfeiture Reform Advances from Wyoming Joint Judiciary Committee

LARAMIE – The Joint Judiciary Committee of the Wyoming Legislature voted to sponsor a bill that would substantially amend the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act today, by a vote of 12-1 (1 excused). The bill would eliminate the practice of "civil forfeiture" in Wyoming, which allows police to seize, and the attorney general to permanently deprive ow...

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Civil Forfeiture is a Problem in Wyoming

Last week, at the meeting of the Joint Judiciary Committee of the Wyoming Legislature in Newcastle, I testified in favor of two bills that, if passed, will reform the practice of civil forfeiture in Wyoming. Both bills would bolster due process and property rights that are currently at risk under the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act. Wyoming polic...

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WyLiberty Attorney Testifies in Favor of Civil Forfeiture Reform Bills

NEWCASTLE, WY – Wyoming Liberty Group staff attorney Steve Klein testified before the Joint Judiciary Interim Committee of the Wyoming Legislature today regarding two committee bill drafts that would substantially change the practice of civil forfeiture in Wyoming. "The Wyoming Controlled Substances Act currently allows police officers to seize pro...

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Rural Land is Property Too

Wyoming's wide-open spaces and horizons that appear to stretch to infinity are some of the most remarkable amenities residents can enjoy. For those who are more familiar with life in towns or even small acreages, these magnificent expanses of land without buildings can sometimes seem empty. Agriculturalists, however, can recognize how actively our ...

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WyLiberty Exposes Potential for Abuse by Law Enforcement Agencies

RAWLINS, WY – Wyoming Liberty Group staff attorney Steve Klein testified before the Joint Judiciary Interim Committee today to detail the potential for property rights abuse by police because of civil asset forfeiture in state law. "The Controlled Substances Act allows the government to take property without ever convicting the owner of a crime," s...

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Phone: (307) 632-7020

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1740 H Dell Range Blvd. #274
Cheyenne, WY 82009

Phone: (307) 632-7020