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Wyoming Has Best Taxes - What Does That Mean?

The Tax Foundation, one of America's most influential think tanks, has released their State Business Tax Climate study for 2015. For good reasons, this annual publication attracts a lot of attention from state legislators, policy analysts and media. With its thoroughness and attention to quality and detail, the Tax Foundation sets a high methodolog...

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The Hopeless War on Poverty

One of the core arguments for government expansion is that there is no other way to reliably help the poor to a better life. This false notion has very deep roots, all the way back to the days when the first elements of the welfare state emerged on European soil. Back then, radical liberals convinced social conservatives that collectivized compassi...

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Pension Reform – Who Controls our Retirement Future?

Talk of pension reform in the government sector starts the usual hand wringing among those who think they know best for everyone else. At the moment, Wyoming's government signs most of its workers up to a defined benefit pension plan, whether these workers would prefer another option or not. Most people in the private sector, if they have a pension...

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Health Care in Wyoming and Your Legislators

Lorraine Quarberg and Glenn Woods from Boldrepublic.com discuss Gov. Mead's position on Medicaid expansion, and what to do if you are unhappy about what your state government is doing. 

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“Let’s be Real Here”? A Retort

After five years of gridlock, last week a majority of four of six commissioners at the Federal Election Commission finally voted to update the FEC's regulations to comply with the Citizens United decision. For years, the three commissioners representing the Democrats insisted that along with updating the regulations the commission should add new "d...

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An Outsider’s View of Wyoming’s Failed Juvenile Justice System: Our Problems Are Bigger Than You Think

A recent article in the Wyoming Law Review by graduate criminal justice fellow Brice Hamack from California's Santa Clara University School of Law clearly defines how Wyoming's juvenile justice practices are violating juveniles' due process rights. Mr. Hamack weaves his well-referenced article with legal precedence, constitutional law and case law ...

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An End to Political Witch Hunts

An unfortunate trend in election law is emerging across America. Campaign finance laws—first designed to supposedly eliminate corruption in government—often instead become the tools of political operatives used to delay, impede, and harass opponents. In other words, campaign finance reform itself is corrupting; its tool is the criminalization of Am...

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Embracing a Prospective First Amendment for Campaign Finance Disclosure

One of the silliest carve-outs (or exceptions) in modern campaign finance law is the so-called "Socialist Workers" exemption to campaign finance reporting. The Supreme Court ruled in the 1976 case Buckley v. Valeo that if certain groups could show retaliation and oppression due to their views, they could be exempted from disclosing their contributo...

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WyLiberty Attorney Opposes Unconstitutional Changes to State Hiring Practices

CHEYENNE – WyLiberty attorney Steve Klein submitted comments in a memorandum to the Wyoming Department of Administration and Information ("A&I") today, discussing constitutional problems with two proposed changes to the State of Wyoming Personnel Rules. The memo argues that these provisions are vague and overbroad, and threaten the free speech ...

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Michelle Malkin Speaks out against the Common Core, in Wyoming

Michelle Malkin talks about her battle against the federal takeover of her children's education and what we can do to prevent the fed takeover here in Wyoming. 

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Personal Attacks Don’t Change Facts

Letter to the editor published in the Wyoming Tribune Eagle, September 28, 2014 As is often the case, those without a response to an argument resort to ad hominem attacks, as in Rodger McDaniel's commentary, the rick think differently, in Saturday's Wyoming Tribune Eagle. Former state of Wyoming pensioners, such as Mr. McDaniel, must understand tha...

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Death Care Is Cheaper than Health Care

I recently reported that some old, ugly and perverted forms of medicine are on their way back into our health care system. While health care as we know it is entirely devoted to curing people and saving their lives, there is a dark side to medicine that has been used for much more sinister purposes. Under Nazi Germany one of those practices, called...

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Hear Michelle Malkin discuss the witch in the Common Core oven and her battle for her children’s education with Gary Freeman on KGAB

Hear Michelle Malkin discuss the witch in the Common Core oven and her battle for her children's education with Gary Freeman on KGAB. September 17, 2014 – KGAB.  

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The Pursuit of Global Prosperity

I have often pointed to the errors, systemic and others, in the Wyoming economy. I have repeatedly explained the false sense of job security that comes with a large share of the work force on tax-funded jobs. I have also noted how our largely mono-industrial economy was a big factor in giving Wyoming the nation's slowest private sector growth durin...

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Civil Forfeiture Reform Advances from Wyoming Joint Judiciary Committee

LARAMIE – The Joint Judiciary Committee of the Wyoming Legislature voted to sponsor a bill that would substantially amend the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act today, by a vote of 12-1 (1 excused). The bill would eliminate the practice of "civil forfeiture" in Wyoming, which allows police to seize, and the attorney general to permanently deprive ow...

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The Wyoming Telecommunications Act: Necessary Regulation or Covert Social Program?

Would your representative vote to require single mothers to pay an extra one percent on their phone bills to cover the cost of extending lines to a $4 million mansion someone decided to build on their newly acquired rural property? In the coming session, the Wyoming legislature will find itself faced with the sunset, or scheduled end, of the outdat...

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Skyrocketing Pension Costs Mean Higher Taxes or Fewer Services

Government pension plans promise to pay current and future retirees a benefit based on a defined formula. To make good on its promise, government contributes tax dollars to a pension fund and invests them to generate income. But what happens when contributions and investment returns fall short? Will government raise taxes, cut spending, or reduce t...

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WyLiberty Publishes Brief Discussing Law Enforcement Drone Use

CHEYENNE – The Wyoming Liberty Group published its latest Liberty Brief today, "Downing the Drones? Limiting Law Enforcement Use of Unmanned Aerial Surveillance in Wyoming." The brief, authored by WyLiberty staff attorney Steve Klein, discusses current protections against drone surveillance and suggest reforms that the Wyoming Legislature may adopt...

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Stairway to Halbig

Yesterday, the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit vacated the opinion in Halbig v. Burwell and agreed to hear the case en banc. This means that the entire D.C. Circuit (or a large number of its judges) will hear and decide the case instead of just the three judges on the original appellate panel. The issue in Halbig centers on a pr...

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Get Ready for Weed Welfare

You can't make this up: Weed welfare? That's what the Berkeley City Council in California has unanimously approved, ordering medical marijuana dispensaries to donate 2 percent of their stash to patients making less than $32,000 a year. Impressive. A unanimous vote. No doubt a lot of compassionate people on that city council. Well, as the Fox News s...

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