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Laramie Amends Unconstitutional Sign Law

LARAMIE — The Laramie City Council adopted an ordinance last night removing the unconstitutional time limitations imposed by the Laramie Unified Development Code on political signs following an accelerated review process that began with a June 30 notice to Laramie City Officials from WyLiberty staff attorney identifying constitutional violations in...

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Wyoming’s Pension Plans – Objections to Reform

Few people understand how the state pension system works but objections to reform are legion. Even though the type of pension benefit state employees receive has virtually disappeared in the private sector, many politicians, bureaucrats and state pension managers seem to think the government sector is different, making reform unnecessary. However, ...

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When Death Has Intrinsic Value

In Nazi Germany, eugenics was an accepted branch of medicine. Its purpose was to "cleanse" the German people of individuals who were considered genetically less desirable. One would hope that this abhorrent practice would be confined to the dark history of the Third Reich. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Eugenics was well established in Americ...

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The War on Economic Freedom

In 1957, Ford Motor Company rolled out its new brand called Edsel. The ambition for the new brand was to help Ford outgrow General Motors. Reality, though, was different: after three years of disastrous sales Ford shut down the Edsel division. The motive for the decision is obvious: Edsel was losing enormous amounts of money. The verdict of the fre...

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WyLiberty Attorneys Win Aggregate Contribution Limit Case

CHEYENNE – Judge Alan Johnson of the United States District Court for the District of Wyoming approved a settlement in Brophy v. Maxfield today, halting the enforcement of a two-year aggregate contribution limit under Wyoming law. The settlement ends a lawsuit filed by Wyoming Liberty Group attorneys in July that challenged the aggregate limit as a...

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Protect your right to vote on Election Day

Several candidates who will appear on primary election ballots in Wyoming have endorsed replacing elected officials with appointed bureaucrats. Some of these candidates are even running for election to offices that they do not believe should be held by citizens who have been elected through the democratic process. Other candidates have said that th...

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Do Not Concede Ethical Territory to Statists

There are many unanswered questions in our universe: Is there life on other planets?Do intelligent beings on other planets pay taxes?When is government big enough for a statist? The first two questions are easy to answer. Yes, of course there is life on other planets. Anything else would be statistically impossible. As for intelligent aliens and ta...

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Wyoming’s Pension Plans – Reform, Ruin or Bail Out

Pension contributions to rise.Taxpayers now contribute $6.71 for every $1 contributed by bureaucrats.Taxpayers soon to be gouged at $7.08:1 before improvement to $6.21:1. Wyoming's last legislative session saw movement in the direction of more government sector pension reform, and not a moment too soon. With only 77.62 cents per dollar promised ava...

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Health Regulations Big Cost to Casper Hospital

Suppose Congress mandated that supermarkets like Wal-Mart must give away groceries to everyone, regardless of their ability to pay. Anyone who wanted to could walk in, demand milk, bread, baked beans and ice cream and then walk out without paying. It would be up to the supermarket to send us a bill and hope we pay it. Needless to say, such a law wo...

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Reality vs. Socialism

Back in July I wrote about the global socialist rebound, part of which involves the emergence of post-Chavez Venezuela. The new president, Nicolas Maduro, has doubled down on socialism and its fatally bad economic model, where daily life is dictated by shortages of everything from bread to electricity. Last year Maduro dictated "fair" pricing on el...

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Fracking or Golfing: Who Needs More Water?

Among the many myths being spread around about fracking, the one about water consumption may be the most audacious one. Anti-fracking activists keep insisting that the process of hydraulic fracturing is threatening the water supplies in the West. This myth may grow legs in a drought-stricken state like California, but that does not mean it is true....

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Federalization of Education

Federalization of education was the most heavily discussed topic this past week when the Republican candidates for the office of Wyoming Superintendent of Public Instruction met in Riverton for their final debate ahead of the primary elections on Tuesday, August 19th. Sheryl Lain, Bill Winney and Jillian Balow took the stage to wrangle over this an...

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Fuel Poverty – Coming Soon to Wyoming

A quick look at price trends for goods and services reveals a head scratcher. While prices in the private sector tend to fall, prices in government-regulated industries, much like the cost of government itself, tend to rise. Why might that be? Perhaps because in the private sector, the profit motive drives entrepreneurs to find ways such as technol...

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Data Centers Threaten to Doom Families to Fuel Poverty

Corporate welfare violates the Wyoming Constitution.Data Center tax breaks cost taxpayers more than $500,000 per job.Higher electricity demand could send electricity rates skyward.Instead of picking winners and losers, the government should reduce taxes for all companies and let those with good ideas and private funding prevail. CHEYENNE, WY: The W...

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WyLiberty Wins Free Speech Case for Minor Party and Independent Candidates

CHEYENNE, WY – Judge Alan B. Johnson of the United States District Court for the District of Wyoming approved a settlement in the case Wills v. Maxfield today, issuing a consent order that halts enforcement of certain campaign finance laws against minor party and independent candidates and their contributors. The order comes a few weeks after the W...

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Signs, Speech Everywhere in Cheyenne

(Disclaimer: This blog post contains photographs of political signs. Wyoming Liberty Group is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that cannot, and does not, endorse candidates. We can, however, champion the rights of free people to speak out about candidates, including through political signs.) We won our lawsuit in Williams v. City of Cheyenne earlier this year...

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Statist Slick Talk Sells Big Government

As I explained last week, the American economy is pulling ahead of Europe. One reason is that our welfare state, big and burdensome as it is, is not yet big enough to bring the private sector to a grinding halt. That does not mean we will never pay the price for a growing government. If we continue expanding our welfare state, we will eventually be...

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Playing Chicken with the FEC

Since the United States Supreme Court denied certiorari in our case Free Speech v. Federal Election Commission (that is, declined to hear the case), one of the issues raised in the case has only become more pressing. We argued that three men in Wyoming who wanted to spend as little as a few thousand dollars on ads criticizing the President and othe...

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Be In The Race - Choice Grounded in Common Sense

Racing automobiles is an extension of the joy and freedom empowered by the automobile in a free society. Since their invention, cars have enabled people to make individual choices in a way never before granted to the human race; when and where to go, how far, how fast, how many people to carry. Beyond that, the cars themselves are also a reflection...

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A Model for Sustainable School Funding

Encampment, WY is home to 450 people and a high school with maybe a dozen graduates each year. It is a genuinely "local" school in every sense of the word. Except funding. If the Encampment school needs maintenance, the money comes from a fund built by one-time fees on new coal leases. The number of leases sold, in turn, depends mostly on demand fo...

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Cheyenne WY 82009

Phone: (307) 632-7020

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1740 H Dell Range Blvd. #274
Cheyenne, WY 82009

Phone: (307) 632-7020