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Voter Assurance Podcast: Episode 005

On this episode of the Voter Assurance Podcast, hosts Jan Peter and Jonathan give listeners an understanding of Motor Voter Laws. How do they apply to Wyoming? What are the results? Be sure to listen today! 

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Voter Assurance Podcast: Episode 004

In this episode of the Voter Assurance Podcast, your hosts Jan Peter and Jonathan take listeners on an informative tour of the subject we all know as "vote by mail." How is it different than absentee ballots? What are the known problems with "vote by mail"? Is it less expensive? Are results quicker? All this and more. Listen now! 

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Voter Assurance Podcast: Episode 003

In this episode of the Voter Assurance Podcast, host Jan Jeter Otto is once again joined by Jonathan Clark to give listeners a special conversation with Jake Braun of Cambridge Global. Mr. Braun is Chief Executive Officer of Cambridge Global Advisors (CGA) and Managing Director of Cambridge Global Capital (CGC). In this capacity, Mr. Braun has work...

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Voter Assurance Podcast: Episode 002

In this episode of the Voter Assurance Podcast, host Jan Peter Otto takes listeners through a full understanding of what risk-limiting audits are and why they are crucial to our voting system's integrity. WyLiberty analyst Jonathan Clark joins Jan Peter. Don't miss this important episode! 

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NEW! Voter Assurance Podcast: Episode 001

In this introductory episode, host Jan Otto is joined by WyLiberty Policy Analyst Jonathan Clark. Together they take listeners on an initial exploratory look into common voting security concerns. What should the gold standard in voter I.D. look like? Should a driver's license be used as I.D.? These topics and more. Listen now! 

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Liberty Talk: Episode 004 - What is a classical education?

On this episode of Liberty Talk your hosts Cassie and Mandy are joined by Jeremy Wayne Tate of the Classic Learning Test. Jeremy takes listeners on a journey through the ins and outs of classical education and what's really missing in today's educational practices. 

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Who are the Key Players in Voter Fraud?

by Staff Writer When considering elections and the process and results of voting, it is not difficult to find published, verified instances of hacking, attacks on election processes, voter fraud, and outright manipulation of voting results. Various locations in the U.S. are notable for machines that produce results in elections that are favorable t...

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Why Fair, Open and Transparent Voting is Like Saving Money: Both Require a Plan and Accountability.

by Staff Writer Saving money is a chore for most US adults- one that requires planning, budgeting, and accountability. In order to save money, difficult choices must be made. First, one must decide how much money he or she must save. A plan is established- and a means of accountability for that plan is essential. This is the Gold Standard for savin...

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Clean Voter Rolls and Voter ID

by Staff Writer The right to vote, and the exercise of that right, are fundamental, bedrock assurances of citizens in democracies and republics. Every constitution of every democracy or republic enshrines this right in unambiguous and direct language. The definition of an eligible voter has evolved over time, but always requires that a person be a ...

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Why Paper Ballots Are the Way to Go

by Staff Writer Voter fraud diminishes the value of legitimate votes and corrupts the election process as a whole. When it comes to preventing fraud and accurately counting the vote, there is no better process than using paper ballots collected at polling stations accessible only to registered and qualified voters with ID. It is vital that paper ba...

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Which Voting Machines Are Used and How They Are Compromised

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff The State of Wyoming recently purchased ES&S voting machines, a subsidiary of the McCarthy Group, based in Omaha, Nebraska. ES&S lays claim to 60% of the U.S. market for voting machines. Specific models purchased include the ExpressVote, designed for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), t...

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The Paper Ballot Process- How it Works Best and Why it is the Gold Standard for Fair and Honest Elections

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff While there have been great leaps forward in technology in all areas of life, fair and honest elections remain a process that is so fundamental to the success of our republic that the application of technology for expediencies sake must be examined with a jaundiced eye. All electronic voting machines and tabulation sy...

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Maintaining Voter Integrity in Wyoming

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Wyoming citizens deserve the fairest, most ethical and verifiable voting process available, one that protects the right to vote without giving sway to corrupt politicians, out-of-state-based special interests, garden variety computer glitches, or even rogue state actors such as North Korea, Iran and Russia. There are ...

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Opportunity for Wyoming Children

by Mandy Ludtke With children at home due to school closures, parents and teachers re-think educational access. You may have heard the terms "school choice" or "education choice." You may have passed these off, not realizing what they mean for you. You think to yourself, "When my children are in public school they are okay. Right? Our public school...

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Education Savings Accounts Customize Education and Provide Equal Access

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Educational Savings Accounts, or ESAs, are modeled on highly successful health savings accounts (HSAs) and put taxpayer funds directly in the hands of parents so that they are free to optimize their children's education. Now that COVID19 health orders prompted school shutdowns across the country, education savings acc...

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Sunsetting Medicaid expansion

Late in the afternoon on Monday, February 10th, 2020, the Wyoming State Legislature failed to pass House Bill 75, a measure intended to pave the way for Medicaid expansion. Although the bill failed before it could officially be introduced in the House of Representatives, examining the contents of House Bill 75 closely to determine whether or not ex...

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Citizens United at 10: The American Experiment in Self-Government is Still Intact

by Benjamin Barr Today we celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. You have probably heard a number of bad things about Citizens United, but its core truth is simple: groups of people are free to spend money for political speech. Before Citizens United, corporations and unions—...

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Medicaid Expansion Report from State Puts Revenue at Issue – Important Questions Remain Unanswered

The Department of Health released their final report on Medicaid expansion in Wyoming and enrollment cost projections. Medicaid already covers hundreds of poverty-stricken individuals in our state. But, the Revenue Committee in the Wyoming Legislature would like the full body to consider expanding Medicaid to non-disable, childless adults, over the...

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Keep an Eye Out for Tax Increase Legislation in 2020

by Philip Baron, MBA As 2019 draws to a close let's look at the tax increase bills to watch out for in the 2020 budget session. Here is a summary of the tax increase bills that have been endorsed by the Interim Joint Revenue Committee for introduction in February 2020. Corporate Income Tax: Link to bill: National Corporate Tax Recapture The biggest...

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Wyoming Big Education Machine Doesn’t Want us to Know Who is Getting Paid What

Despite the clear cut law that names of government servants are public records, Superintendent Jillian Balow thinks she is above the law. School districts across this state will burn through more of our tax dollars hiring attorneys to try and weasel out of a simple public record request by Senator Tom James asking for the names and salaries of thos...

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Cheyenne WY 82009

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1740 H Dell Range Blvd. #274
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Phone: (307) 632-7020