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Robert Troyer - Part 11: You Invited Us Here

Organized crime and international run crime operations from Mexico and China are blending into the culture of legalization of marijuana. Make no mistake it creates a State problem of law enforcement and illegality run along side inadequate state laws and state funds to manage. It costs more and it doesn't eliminate the state funding problems. In fa...

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Robert Troyer - Part 10: CBD and THC Differences

CBD not marijuana has FDA approved drugs for epilepsy that helps a very small population of epileptics. CBD however, can be grown without regulation and has the propensity to grow with a THC component. Both CBD and Marijuana have no consistent testing for THC potency's that can effect people in different ways. To say Medical marijuana is a hype pro...

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Robert Troyer - Part 9: THC Potency

No joke, THC potency's are greater than ever. By in large this comparison should give every concerned person pause. A drug not vetted by the FDA, as dangerous as  alcohol and other illicit drugs being distributed as a natural harmless substance for whatever ails you. Wake up compromise-rs and stop pretending this is a great funding idea.

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Robert Troyer - Part 8: As the Industry Grows

The marijuana culture doesn't change its outcomes as it grows. Mental health issues are prevalent in chronic users, those users don't produce and consequentially mental health and enforcement services get overburden with the poor prospects of rehabilitation, especially of younger  male addicts. Guess what, the bigger investors ore the cities a...

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Robert Troyer - Part 7: THC Retail Locations

The new drug dealers are expanding as legitimately and in more retail locations than McDonalds and Starbucks combined. Kids see it and think its safe and legal and available. The state laws require dispensaries when you plant  marijuana, they force the expansion with the laws and regulations they created. Now, the state can't oversee its own r...

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Robert Troyer - Part 6: THC in Education

Long term studies in the effects of THC on infants and younger children have always indicated major deficiencies in IQ and emotional intelligence. The less developed the brain, the more catastrophic the effects of THC. So with the advent of normalization of THC use we have gummies, vapes, vapes that look like school supplies, and guess what? Exactl...

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Robert Troyer - Part 5: Let Reality Set In

Let reality and reason begin to inform policy in Wyoming. Colorado and other legalized Marijuana States are only now beginning to see the big flaws in law enforcement, healthcare issues, and bottom-line buy-ins that marijuana is the best healer of pain. It's dope, folks. It affects people more adversely than proven FDA healthful uses. It's hype, a ...

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Robert Troyer - Part 4: Financially a Bad Deal

Stop pretending marijuana legalization will bring in a bounty of funding. Legal, emotional, and transparent cost analysis problems are ignored in favor of a stoner's vision of good things to come. We know this. Why are our Legislators ignoring the tangible problems and reality of costs to our communities?

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Robert Troyer - Part 3: Welcoming a Criminal Empire

Whether or not federal legalization of marijuana happens, (the federal government is inviting criminals into our country daily) our State will have to realize legalization does not stop the growth of illegal operations. These criminals can hide behind inefficient and ambiguous laws and rights which increase prosecution costs and incarceration costs...

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Robert Troyer - Part 2: Criminals Bend the Rules

OK Wyoming , state law and federal law are hide outs for sophisticated drug dealers, cartels and enemies wanting to dismantle our population with an addicted population so they can break us down. Legalizing Marijuana green lights criminal organizations that will end up costing (as it has already in CO) the state many millions of dollars that no tax...

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Cheyenne WY 82009

Phone: (307) 632-7020

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1740 H Dell Range Blvd. #274
Cheyenne, WY 82009

Phone: (307) 632-7020