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Education is the future guarantee of our federal republic. Without an educated citizenry we risk losing our sovereignty to a weakened power in the people to demand government that is representative of our founding. We will lose our inheritance if we do not preserve a true history, tangible skills and motivational accountability in our education...

Education is the future guarantee of our federal republic. Without an educated citizenry we risk losing our sovereignty to a weakened power in the people to demand government that is representative of our founding. We will lose our inheritance if we do not preserve a true history, tangible skills and motivational accountability in our education for our children.


Federalization of Education

Federalization of education was the most heavily discussed topic this past week when the Republican candidates for the office of Wyoming Superintendent of Public Instruction met in Riverton for their final debate ahead of the primary elections on Tuesday, August 19th. Sheryl Lain, Bill Winney and Jillian Balow took the stage to wrangle over this an...

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Be In The Race - Choice Grounded in Common Sense

Racing automobiles is an extension of the joy and freedom empowered by the automobile in a free society. Since their invention, cars have enabled people to make individual choices in a way never before granted to the human race; when and where to go, how far, how fast, how many people to carry. Beyond that, the cars themselves are also a reflection...

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Here we go again: Fed Ed Secretary Announces Another Federal Initiative

Fed Ed Secretary Arne Duncan announced this week that the U.S. Department of Ed is initiating a multifaceted new strategy to ensure every American public school child will have equal opportunities to learn. This despite the fact that provisions of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) regarding training "highly qualified teachers" and reporting on teacher/st...

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Enacting Federal Education Policy: The Definition of Insanity

According to the Wyoming Department of Education, Wyoming will not be receiving a waiver renewal from the United States Department of Education for the 2014-2015 school year, and this is ultimately a good thing. This means the state will operate under the dictates of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), a federal education mandate developed by President Bu...

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Implementing Federal Education Policy: The Definition of Insanity

According to the Wyoming Department of Education, Wyoming will not be receiving a waiver renewal from the United States Department of Education for the 2014-2015 school year, and this is ultimately a good thing. This means the state will operate under the dictates of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), a federal education mandate developed by President Bu...

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Federal Meddling in State Standards to Continue

If Wyoming needed a better reason to begin removing itself from the entanglement of federal education funds, here it is. In a recent article, Cato's Neal McCluskey points out what many Common Core critics already know about the federal government's involvement in Common Core - it's not going to be a one- time occurrence. Federal government meddling...

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Common Core Creates Public Schools Exodus

More and more parents across the county who reject the national Common Core standards are stretching their resources and removing their children from public schools. In this powerful piece by Dr. Susan Berry, parents talk about why they are quitting jobs and tightening belts so they can provide an alternative to the debilitating Common Core curricu...

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1740 H Dell Range Blvd. #274
Cheyenne, WY 82009

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