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Be In The Race - Choice Grounded in Common Sense

Racing automobiles is an extension of the joy and freedom empowered by the automobile in a free society. Since their invention, cars have enabled people to make individual choices in a way never before granted to the human race; when and where to go, how far, how fast, how many people to carry. Beyond that, the cars themselves are also a reflection of people's personality, taste and fulfillment of desires.

Cars are not built in a vacuum; there are many rules, restrictions and requirements in the design and production. Some of these are naturally a part of the laws of physics; some are designed to employ common sense when multiple, heavy high speed objects are attempting to occupy the same space. Many more though, are a product of liability-driven decisions and fiat demands from the governments of the world.

These government demands have driven up the cost and reduced the utility of vehicles, placing a burden on citizens that is unreasoning and energy-sucking. It is now a criminal offense to drive a vehicle that is unregistered; the police have an automatic right to take the driver of that vehicle directly to jail, for example. A vehicle may lose its registration if insurance is revoked; too often the driver believes that their insurance is in effect and finds out, from behind bars, that some administrative error has left them vulnerable.

All of this tyranny is stripped away on the racetrack. Indeed, all of the requirements of racing are targeted to the pure mission of driving the car at its maximum capacity while protecting the driver from harm in the event of an accident. The team that races the car assumes responsibility for their competence on the track; no interfering third party insists, at the point of a gun, that tax laws have primacy over all else.

The car is transformed; freed of rules that have nothing to do with actual safety, it emerges, as a butterfly from a cocoon. The amateur race car becomes an expression of the will and intent of the team to compete, on a level playing field, with commonsense rules and the purpose of merely enjoying the possibilities granted to us by our Creator. In the LeMons Races, each team member fits himself to the mission as best he can, with regard only for competency, teamwork, the will to create -- and a sense of humor.

The LeMons Series was created in part as a parody of everything oligarchic and tyrannous; a $500 claim rule may be invoked at any time, ensuring that the "butterfly" of a race car is actually centered on the cheapest performance package possible. These cars, and the people racing them, are out to have a good time, freed from the constraints of public highway interference, the taxman and the false idea that the rules of the government are always for the "good of the people."
The car is prepared first by stripping out all of the things that do not contribute to speed and performance, the majority of which are imposed by the government. Instead, components that create a safety barrier between the driver and an accident are added in, and the drivetrain components are restructured to provide maximum power and reliability, as well as handling. The only changes made are consonant with the laws of physics and common sense, and the result is a lighter, faster and safer car.

When common sense is unfettered by tyranny, the people are empowered to perform at their best and enjoy the fruits of that effort. If a tyrant rules the racetrack, the will and intent of the tyrant will produce only a meaningless parade of cars. There is no joy in working hard to participate in an event where, at any moment, an arbitrary and violent force may wrench away any success achieved.

Yet this is now the situation in America. The rules and imposition of a police state have crept into the daily lives of citizens. The government is now free to involve itself in every aspect of citizens' lives—from employment and work, to health care and child rearing, asset ownership and leisure time—to the point where it is difficult to distinguish between the United States and many of the dictatorships it supposedly opposes. Republic Free Choice supports the opposition of this malignancy through the use of common sense in every aspect of life, free of government tyranny.

Be In The Race!! Get involved at the local level in opposing unreasonable, socially-engineered government policy and rules. Speak clearly and reasonably about the insanity of imposing the burdens of a police state on citizens. And express your freedom to create, live, love and enjoy life! That's why we go racing.

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