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Education is the future guarantee of our federal republic. Without an educated citizenry we risk losing our sovereignty to a weakened power in the people to demand government that is representative of our founding. We will lose our inheritance if we do not preserve a true history, tangible skills and motivational accountability in our education...

Education is the future guarantee of our federal republic. Without an educated citizenry we risk losing our sovereignty to a weakened power in the people to demand government that is representative of our founding. We will lose our inheritance if we do not preserve a true history, tangible skills and motivational accountability in our education for our children.


Charter School Battle Heats Up in Wyoming

by Wyoming Liberty Staff Wyoming is no stranger to the ugliness of the school choice battle. When it comes to the state monopoly over education, parents are almost always the losers. Currently, local school districts are the only body with the authority under the law to approve an independent public charter school. These elected school boards have ...

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School Choice Provides Real Taxpayer Savings

by Wyoming Liberty Staff This fall Wyoming legislators are busy attending interim Committee meetings on a variety of subjects, all of which will be addressed in the cold winter months of February and March during the 2016 Budget Session. Current trends indicate long-term budget problems for Wyoming. This April I wrote a blog entitled, The Urgent Ca...

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Every Child Achieves When Parents Have Choices

by Wyoming Liberty Staff "…the reality of why school choice is needed is simple; public education continues to plot a failing course towards complete government centralization from the top down, and complete learning uniformity nationwide. This course is out of step with what parents want and what is best for children — and with what is best for Am...

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The Urgent Case for School Choice in Wyoming

by Wyoming Liberty Staff In writing a piece about why school choice is the right choice for parents in Wyoming I could start by reciting a whole slew of numbers regarding graduation rates, college enrollment, academic achievement and taxpayer savings. These figures are readily available everywhere and have been discussed for years by those in the e...

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Time for Real Choice in Education

by Wyoming Liberty Staff The 2015 Wyoming Legislative Session is over but our work here at the Wyoming Liberty Group for 2015 doesn't end as we continue to focus on a parent's fundamental right to raise their children without government interference. Recently we went to Washington D.C. with a group of mom's from around the state to speak to Wyoming...

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School District Spending Demands – A Disconnect

The legislature must rein in out-of-control spending demands Wyoming school districts are funded using the School Finance Block Grant Funding model. About half of the funding for these block grants comes from the state's School Foundation Program account, and the other half from local revenue sources. For the 2015-16 biennium, the state's contribut...

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Behind the Scenes Politics Being Played to Stop Wyoming Parents

For Wyoming parents wondering what really happens behind the scenes to push the direction of statewide education policy, they need look no further. A stunning video released this past week by the parent-led group, Wyoming Citizens Opposing Common Core, revealed minutes from an October meeting convened by an education bureaucracy-led group called th...

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Michelle Malkin Speaks out against the Common Core, in Wyoming

Michelle Malkin talks about her battle against the federal takeover of her children's education and what we can do to prevent the fed takeover here in Wyoming. 

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Hear Michelle Malkin discuss the witch in the Common Core oven and her battle for her children’s education with Gary Freeman on KGAB

Hear Michelle Malkin discuss the witch in the Common Core oven and her battle for her children's education with Gary Freeman on KGAB. September 17, 2014 – KGAB.  

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Do Not Concede Ethical Territory to Statists

There are many unanswered questions in our universe: Is there life on other planets?Do intelligent beings on other planets pay taxes?When is government big enough for a statist? The first two questions are easy to answer. Yes, of course there is life on other planets. Anything else would be statistically impossible. As for intelligent aliens and ta...

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Cheyenne WY 82009

Phone: (307) 632-7020

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1740 H Dell Range Blvd. #274
Cheyenne, WY 82009

Phone: (307) 632-7020