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Citizens Must Vote To Defend Freedom for All

by Wyoming Liberty Staff James Madison warned us in Federalist #10 of the violence "a number citizens who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens" can do to liberty. 3,368 voters in Casper just illustrated his point by neglecting to perform their civic duty to stand up for ...

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Obamacare’s Slow Throttling of Patients and Insurers

by Charles Katebi Since Obamacare took effect in 2013, the cost of health insurance has exploded. Turns out it's very costly for the insurers themselves and some are paying the ultimate price. In early October, one of those insurers, WINhealth, announced it faced severe financial challenges and was leaving the Obamacare exchange. Just 11 days later...

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Utopia or Reality in Education?

by Wyoming Liberty Staff Great American men of letters like Russell Kirk and M.E. Bradford have written much about the contrast between those who favor human realities and those who wish to impose utopias on human society. While we are tempted to consign these considerations to the dusty shelves of aging libraries, we do so at our peril. Government...

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Sin Tax No Answer to Spending Addiction

The state of Wyoming earmarks tobacco settlement funds to certain programs — and guess what. The programs cost more than the revenue they receive. As you might expect, the knee jerk reaction to this is to raise tobacco taxes to cover the shortfall. But let's take a closer look. The Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund was set up after a 1998 settlement be...

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How could a government cut its budget by eight percent and arrive at a $75 million reduction in spending?

In December 2011, Wyoming Governor Matt Mead called on state agencies to cut their budgets by between five and eight percent. An eight percent budget cut would have amounted to $75 million, and this news created quite a bit of stir in some quarters, and quite a bit of confusion in others. While some asked: how will people survive such draconian cut...

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Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal talks to Doug Randall on KGAB about the need to shrink the size of government to grow the private economy and put the state’s fiscal house in order

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal talks to Doug Randall on KGAB about the need to shrink the size of government to grow the private economy and put the state's fiscal house in order. November 9, 2015

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Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal talk to Chuck Gray on KVOC about how he shrank the size of government in his state

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal talk to Chuck Gray on KVOC about how he shrank the size of government in his state to set the stage for growth in the private sector, more jobs and a higher standard of living for the people of Louisiana. November 7, 2015 

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Wyoming Asset Forfeiture Reform and the Art of the Possible

by Stephen Klein On Wednesday the Joint Judiciary Committee of the Wyoming Legislature voted to adopt a committee bill to reform civil asset forfeiture under the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act ("WCSA"). The law as it exists today allows Wyoming police to seize and the state to keep ("forfeit") property that they suspect is related to the drug tr...

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Do Voters Believe That Elections Work?

by Wyoming Liberty Staff On November 10th in a Special Election Cheyenne's voters will decide whether to transfer executive power from their elected mayor to an administrator working for the City Council. Beyond the details of the proposal, Cheyenne voters must answer a bigger question: Do voters believe that elections work? This question is about ...

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Families need to pay more in gasoline taxes?

A cabal of special interest groups seems to have convinced Wyoming's governor and more than a few legislators that families need to pay more in gasoline taxes. But with the possibility of a Taxmageddon hitting already overburdened families in January, the last thing the legislature should be doing is hiking fuel taxes.  

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