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Medicaid’s Flimsy Math

by Charles Katebi The director of Wyoming's Department of Health, Tom Forslund, recently sat down before the Joint Appropriations Committee (JAC) to make his plea for more spending. The biggest item by far on the agency's wish list was Medicaid Expansion, costing a whopping $268 million. How did he try selling such an expensive line item to the JAC...

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The Free Market or Central Planning–What’s next for Wyoming?

When politicians justify handing out public dollars for private benefit, they use the word investment to spin this spending into something more palatable to voters. However, state directed spending in the economy is nothing more than economic central planning in disguise. To stop the growth in central planning in Wyoming, we must bring the state's ...

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Environmental Effects of the Clean Power Plan

What will the environmental effects of the Clean Power Plan (CPP) be? Recall that the stated media driven, post-Kyoto Protocol (to which the US did not subscribe), goalis to reduce the Earth's temperature increase between now and 2100 to less than 2 ℃. The short answer is: zilch. NERA Economic Consulting estimates that CPP by 2030 will reduce the g...

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A Wyoming Economy or a Government Economy

During Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal's visit to Wyoming in November 2015, he discussed his strategy to put Louisiana's fiscal house in order. His basic philosophy of government is that we can grow the American economy or we can grow the government economy, we can't do both. If we want to grow the American economy we must shrink the government eco...

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What is meant by “Juvenile Diversion”?

by Tom Rose I have mentioned diversion and diversion programs in various blogs. I thought I had a fairly good grasp of the concept until I began looking at the various different ways diversion was being implemented across the state. My first impulse was to pronounce some forms as just wrong. Reminds me of riding for Condict, he'd say "That's just w...

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EPA's Clean Power Plan

What is the EPA's Clean Power Plan (CPP)? It is a cap and trade scheme intended to reduce emissions from existing power generators such as coal generators. It was proposed by the EPA in June, 2014, and the final rule was unveiled by President Obama on August 15, 2015. The final version of the plan aims to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from ...

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Medicaid Expansion and Hollow Promises

by Charles Katebi Supporters of Medicaid Expansion, including Governor Matt Mead, express an unwavering belief that the federal government will actually fund this entitlement as promised. Yet Washington's promises often become unfunded mandates. Even before the end of this year it is likely that Congress will cut federal funding for Medicaid Expans...

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The Doctor Won’t Be Seeing You

by Charles Katebi Obamacare's supporters seem to believe that if you give patients insurance, doctors will treat them. But greater access to health insurance doesn't mean greater access to healthcare. As patients scour Obamacare's insurance exchange for coverage, they're finding fewer doctors accepting Obamacare's insurance as payment. And those th...

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Politically Challenged Budget Cuts

During Governor Mead's Business Forum in Cheyenne in November 2015, Dr. Robert Behn from Harvard University presented his theory on the budget cut challenge in the lead up to a discussion by a panel of legislators. Wyoming legislators must decide how to deal with a 25 percent reduction in revenue, a $155 million deficit in the education account for...

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The Uncompensated Care Scam

by Charles Katebi Medicaid's allies are gearing up their expansion drive for the 2016 budget session. As usual, they're trying to convince Wyomingites that they will save big if government spends more of their money. We've heard this story before. Governor Mead, Wyoming's Hospital Association and the Department of Health all claim that Wyoming's un...

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