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Education Funding and Reform

Bob Nelson talks with Doug Randall about developments in Wyoming education funding and reform.

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Christmas Caroling Without Permission: Illegal in Cheyenne

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Be careful where you're spreading holiday cheer this season. You could wind up in the slammer for six months or pay up to $750 in fines. According to an ordinance approved by the City of Cheyenne in 1897, it's technically unlawful to Christmas carol without a permit. The 120-year-old law isn't just a prime example of ...

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Four Theories of Criminal Justice

Anthony appeared on KGAB Radio to discuss four theories of criminal justice: Deterrence, Restraint, Retribution, and Rehabilitation. He and host, Gary Freeman, hashed out the good and bad of each theory and how they are addressed by Wyoming's proposed Criminal Justice Reform legislation. 

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Wyoming’s Other Liquor Problem (Part 2)

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff We have discussed how Wyoming's alcohol regulatory system limits new small business opportunities without effectively deterring destructive behavior attributable to alcohol. The state rankings of alcohol abuse measured by DUI arrests per capita and binge drinking rate highlight some similar rural states that have comb...

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Justice Reform Could Cut Healthcare Spending, Combat Potential Crisis

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Criminal justice reform legislation will be on the agenda in the upcoming 2017 Wyoming Legislative General Session. Much has been said about criminal justice reform and its potential to save taxpayer dollars. The conversation typically revolves around lowering administrative costs, downsizing staff, and avoiding futur...

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Wyoming’s Other Liquor Problem (Part 1)

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Wyoming's disturbing rate of alcohol-related calamity is no secret. Two ways to measure alcohol abuse among adults are to look at DUI arrests per capita and binge drinking rate. These measures show Wyoming leads the nation in DUI arrests per capita and is in the CDC's second tier of states (out of three tiers) for bin...

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Reality Check

Wyoming's Joint Interim Education Committee and Select Committee on Education Accountability both met on November 14th and 15th. The Legislative Service Office opened the agenda on the 14th with a fiscal update including a forecast out to 2021-22 which was grim, to say the least. After that reminder, the committees continued conversations on topics...

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Donald Trump's Presidency Heralds the End of Obamacare

by Charles Katebi Last week marked the fourth and most likely the last year that the federal healthcare exchanges will sell insurance under the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. That's because Republican Presidential-elect Donald Trump vows to repeal Obamacare during his first hundred days in office and jumpstart real healthcare reform. At a spee...

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Skateboarding is Not a Crime

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Tuesday of this week, the Cheyenne City Council voted to replace an overreaching ordinance that criminalized skateboarding downtown. One of many ordinances that lead to overcriminalization. Overcriminalization is the result of thousands of petty, reactionary and mostly unnecessary laws interlaced with laws that make s...

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Harping on NAEP

NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) and standardized reading and math test scores are often referred to by Wyoming Liberty Group in its articles about Wyoming K-12 education. Since WLG is not enthusiastic about federal involvement in education, people may reasonably ask why WLG seems to harp on them. To begin with, reading and math a...

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