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Wyoming Failure on PAWS, NAEP & ACT

What do PAWS, NAEP & ACT® have in common besides being arcane acronyms? They are all K-12 education testing systems, each testing different age groups by subject, with the object of assessing what kids know and can do. They've also become canaries in the coal mine telling us our education systems and theories are dangerously ineffective. The fi...

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Wyoming K-12 Echo Chamber

Wyoming Liberty Group attended the July 25 meeting of the legislature's Select Committee on School Finance Recalibration. It was interesting to see how much of a closed loop the process will be. The consultants engaged to do the work exclusively define interested stakeholders as elected government officials and employees plus employees of and lobby...

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Wyoming K-12: We Must Get Our Heads Out of the Sand

Certain Wyoming legislators want our schools to compare favorably with the best schools in the country. Before we compare ourselves to the Joneses, though, we need to get our heads out of the sand and look honestly at how poorly we performed against our own state benchmark as measured by the testing system Wyoming's experts chose, "PAWS". We note t...

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Robert Nelson discusses the recent release of the Wyoming education PAWS testing results

Listen in as Robert Nelson discusses the recent release of the Wyoming education PAWS testing results with host Glenn Woods. 

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Wyoming Failure on PAWS, NAEP & ACT

What do PAWS, NAEP & ACT have in common besides being arcane acronyms? They are all K-12 education testing systems, each testing different age groups by subject, with the object of assessing what kids know and can do. They've also become canaries in the coal mine telling us our education systems and theories are ineffective. See the four graphs...

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Wyoming Promise to Gather Signatures for Censorship

by Stephen Klein A group called Wyoming Promise has declared the dastardly goal of overturning the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and to open the doors to campaign finance "reform," or regulating free speech by restricting the money used to pay for it. Wyoming Promise aims to accomplish this by gatheri...

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Wyoming vs D.C. K-12 Smackdown

We recently overheard an opinion that Washington D.C.'s K-12 schools have had the greatest improvement in National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) scores of any jurisdiction in the U.S. in recent years. We've also heard Wyoming legislators heap praises on Wyoming's school system for its improved NAEP scores. Let's compare them, shall we? ...

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School staffing: who to layoff, who to keep?

Bob Nelson talks with Glenn Woods about Wyoming school staffing. 

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Robert Nelson sits down with KGAB

On March 17th staff member Robert Nelson had the opportunity to sit down with KGAB host Glenn Woods. They discussed topics based on education such as Wyoming's education budget and the upcoming work of the recalibration committee. They also discussed the recent legislative session and it's most engaged legislators. 

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Top Heavy Staffing In Wyoming Education

Here is a question often heard since the extent of Wyoming's K-12 funding shortfall has become widely discussed; "Is Wyoming education top-heavy with administrative staff?" The short answer would appear to be yes.  Graph 1 uses data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) from fall 2013 (the most recent available) in two separ...

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