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Follow the money, it's the best basis for transparency and holding our government accountable. Economic theory, government hygiene and government efficiency are tools we must use to limit government size and spending. Without clear understanding of economics and the bottom line, the people won't be served and backdoor deals in government will...

Follow the money, it's the best basis for transparency and holding our government accountable. Economic theory, government hygiene and government efficiency are tools we must use to limit government size and spending. Without clear understanding of economics and the bottom line, the people won't be served and backdoor deals in government will go unchecked.


How Can Wyoming Survive A Growing Federal Government?

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff This year is a great time to discuss the future of Wyoming, especially in terms of what role government should play in our state's economy. On February 22 I proposed a list of topics for this conversation, ranging from comprehensive transparency and efficiency reforms to school choice and free-market reforms in health...

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Where Wyoming’s State and Local Revenue Comes From

by Philip Baron According to a Wyoming Taxpayers Association report, that was distributed to the legislators in the 2019 session, a three-person household pays in $3,070 in taxes and receives $27,600 in public services. This analysis only considers taxes as a source of revenue and does not look at all of the funding through fees and other sources o...

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Jobs in 2018: How Did Your County Do?

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff The Bureau of Labor Statistics is slightly behind in releasing state and county level employment data. We will have state-level numbers for January on March 11 and the February numbers on March 22. We can also look forward to the county-level numbers for the third and fourth quarters of 2018. In the meantime, here is ...

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Wyoming Economy One of the Nation’s Weakest

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff The Wyoming legislature killed every major proposal for higher taxes, from a sales tax on services and higher property taxes to new special districts with taxation powers and a corporate income tax. This is good news for two reasons, the first being that we may now see a shift in the public conversation about ways to ...

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Weekly Economic Report: Personal Income and Its Components

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff This Weekly Economic Review reports data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis on the composition of personal income in Wyoming. Main Point: Personal income in Wyoming is skewed toward equity-based and entitlement-based earnings. This should be taken into account when the legislature considers future changes to our sta...

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“Reclaiming” Our Money: A Tale of Hidden Costs Associated with HB220

Despite the assertions of some of our representatives, Wyoming is not the only state without a corporate income tax.1 Moreover, states are trending away from the corporate income tax. Forbes magazine recently discussed this trend in an article entitled, "2019 Became The Year That Republicans in Wyoming Started Acting Like Democrats In Washington".2...

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What Is the Legislature’s Fiscal Policy Strategy?

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff The legislature is now past the deadline for moving bills out of their chamber of origin, and we can take inventory of the bills that proposed tax increases. The long story short is that our elected officials appear to have been listening to the opposition to tax hikes. The following bills that were written to raise y...

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Wyoming’s Gender Wage Gap?

The state legislature has refused to rise to the bait to address the so-called gender wage gap in Wyoming. Of the three bills brought to address this dubious issue, only one remains and it is a small bill that actually deserves to pass. House Bill 71, sponsored by the Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Committee, will increase the fine for a c...

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Wyoming The Tax Hike State, Part 2

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff TheWyomingProsperityProject.com Yesterday I gave an overview of what tax increases we can expect at the state level: tallying up the worst-case, but increasingly likely scenario, we are looking at half-a-billion dollars in higher taxes. This tax shock - which, I repeat, is no longer unrealistic but increasingly probab...

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Wyoming The Tax Hike State, Part 1

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff TheWyomingProsperityProject.com Between the legislature, Governor Mead, the Wyoming Association of Municipalities and assorted local tax efforts, we as a state could easily be facing half a billion dollars in higher taxes. Half a billion dollars. This number represents a worst-case scenario, and until recently I thoug...

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