By Wyliberty on Monday, 29 April 2024
Category: Marijuana/THC

Marijuana Versus Alcohol - The false choice

by Wyoming Liberty Group

They call it "California sober." Or "Cali sober," for short.

"They" are teenagers and others who are increasingly using marijuana instead of alcohol under the premise that pot is somehow safer.

It's a well-entrenched thing when there's already a nickname for a habit. "Cali sober," as a term and practice, began to take hold a few years ago in California, and it has only grown since, far beyond the borders of that western state, which has already legalized marijuana.

Nowadays, in Wyoming, where pot remains illegal, you frequently hear the same notion, of people who favor marijuana over alcohol. They are putting it out there as an alternative, or even as a form of being "sober." In fact, a just released survey found that 64 percent of Americans consider regular alcohol consumption more dangerous than using marijuana.

But let's clear one thing up: The premise is propaganda. While alcohol and marijuana are of course different, and the body processes the substances differently, it's a false dichotomy; it's a false choice between alcohol and weed. It's not as if, when you stop drinking alcohol in favor of marijuana, it's somehow better for you. Not when you consider the plain facts.

Pro-pot forces, however, want to normalize marijuana by comparing it to—and associating it with—alcohol, which is not just legal but has been intertwined in society for eons. Alcohol, after all, is a nearly $300 billion market, a juggernaut compared to marijuana, which is a fast-growing, $30-plus billion-industry in the United States. Marijuana interests want to cloak themselves in the mainstream. But to put it simply, smoking or ingesting weed isn't the same thing as taking a swig of beer.

For what it's worth, especially for those considering making the switch from drinking alcohol, there's nothing safe about using marijuana, a mind-altering substance.

But if you hear the folks at the Marijuana Policy Project tell it, "Marijuana Is Safer Than Alcohol: It's Time To Treat It That Way." That's how this advocacy group, leading the charge to legalize the drug throughout the country, describes marijuana in a headline on its website.

This is what the pro-pot organization will tell you about marijuana: "We are not here to tell you that it is entirely without harms—what product is?"

Well, that's quite the rhetorical question, which we'll come back to in a moment.

But sticking to the point, the pro-pot group says, "The truth is that marijuana is widely used in a manner quite similar to alcohol. Most adults consume it while socializing with friends or relaxing after work. And while some consume it for its medical benefits, others use it for therapeutic purposes. For example, some consume it to alleviate arthritis, relieve a migraine, or because it helps them fall asleep and get a good night's rest."

And the pro-pot group says: "Marijuana is less toxic than alcohol, less addictive, less harmful to the body, and less likely to contribute to violent or reckless behavior."

Now, let's clear up the smoke.

It's true, for instance, that alcohol-use disorder is widespread. But, as noted by health authorities, it's also true that marijuana can be addictive as well.

It's also true that heavy consumption of alcohol can damage the heart, liver and central nervous system, while causing pancreatitis, ulcers, infertility and other health problems. But none of that means that marijuana is a healthy alternative. Quite the contrary.

Weed is associated with various brain development problems, especially for teenagers, and there is a link between marijuana and schizophrenia; indeed, some experts say that marijuana can trigger psychotic breaks, especially for those who have a family history, that can lead to violent episodes.

What's more, a recent study in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that increased use of marijuana leads to a higher risk of such killers as heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

So much for the notion of "Cali Sober."

Alcohol is absorbed through the lining of the stomach and into the bloodstream, while marijuana often enters the body through the lungs as the psychoactive ingredient, THC—tetrahydrocannabinol—attaches to molecules on neurons in the brain. But those differences in how the body processes the two substances don't mean that marijuana is safer to use.

So, don't believe the hype when pro-pot forces try to put marijuana in the same bucket with alcohol. They did as much in Ohio—and successfully. The group, "Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol," spent a lot of time urging lawmakers in that midwestern state to regulate pot, much as they did alcohol, and late last year, Ohio became the 24th state to legalize adult use of marijuana.

Let's not fall for the same trap in Wyoming.

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