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Transparency is crucial to both streamlining government bureaucracies and for public review of government spending. It assists our representatives in making better policy, it is a reality test for legal and constitutional obligations, and it just lets the public know how their money is being spent. It is a natural watchdog tool for corruption...

Transparency is crucial to both streamlining government bureaucracies and for public review of government spending. It assists our representatives in making better policy, it is a reality test for legal and constitutional obligations, and it just lets the public know how their money is being spent. It is a natural watchdog tool for corruption in government as well as it is a revelation of how government may have lost oversight accountability.


How to Sunset Big Government

by Charles Katebi In civics 101, we learn how government works. Voters elect legislators, legislators pass bills, and bills become law. This side of government is transparent and accountable. But there is another side of government that is far less accountable. Once a bill becomes law, it's up to an agency to enforce it. Sometimes they effectively ...

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Obamacare's Collapsing Co-ops

Charlie Katebi and Chuck Gray on KVOC discuss how Obamacare's failing health insurance co-ops are ripping off taxpayers, patients, and doctors. 

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Veto and Override - A Power Struggle at the Wyoming Legislature

After months of review and mammoth change, the Wyoming legislature sent Governor Mead's budget back to him for his signature. When the governor sent it back – signed – it had more line item vetoes than ever before. The nature of Governor Mead's line item vetoes in the Wyoming budget bill created a couple of underlying themes. According to Governor ...

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How to Fund a Porkfest Without Really Trying

Everybody wants the one percent Did you know the State of Wyoming has more than one fund with handy cash ready for the taking? While most people think of the Legislative Stabilization Reserve Account (LSRA) as the rainy day fund, the state has hundreds of spend-ready funds. One of those, the Strategic Investment and Project Account (SIPA), could ac...

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The Free Market or Central Planning–What’s next for Wyoming?

When politicians justify handing out public dollars for private benefit, they use the word investment to spin this spending into something more palatable to voters. However, state directed spending in the economy is nothing more than economic central planning in disguise. To stop the growth in central planning in Wyoming, we must bring the state's ...

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Politically Challenged Budget Cuts

During Governor Mead's Business Forum in Cheyenne in November 2015, Dr. Robert Behn from Harvard University presented his theory on the budget cut challenge in the lead up to a discussion by a panel of legislators. Wyoming legislators must decide how to deal with a 25 percent reduction in revenue, a $155 million deficit in the education account for...

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Do Voters Believe That Elections Work?

by Wyoming Liberty Staff On November 10th in a Special Election Cheyenne's voters will decide whether to transfer executive power from their elected mayor to an administrator working for the City Council. Beyond the details of the proposal, Cheyenne voters must answer a bigger question: Do voters believe that elections work? This question is about ...

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Delayed Decisions Dig a Deeper Fiscal Hole

Governor Mead announced he will cut approximately $200 million from the current fiscal year's spending. This apparent burst of fiscal conservatism came as a result of a clause in the 2014 budget bill directing the governor to review agency budgets and reduce them if it looks like the fall in tax revenue will result in a deficit. Revenue has been on...

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Reading Law

Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts, Antonin Scalia and Bryan A. Garner. Thomson/West, 2012. $69.93 new, $43.27 used, and Kindle edition at Amazon.com. As they say on the Internet, IANAL. I am not a lawyer. So what am I, a non-lawyer, doing reviewing a book on reading legal texts? A book that might well be a law school text or part of an...

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Corporate Welfare’s White Elephants

Maureen Bader and Glenn Woods talk about Wyoming Business Council's funneling of public money for private benefit and in Gillette and other Wyoming communities. 

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