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Government Regulation

Regulations have proven to create obstacles for economic growth. When regulations inhibit new participants in economic activities, then it needs to be reigned in wisely. In short, some regulation is needed to keep companies on the up and up in their industries. However, if you can't start a competitive business from the ground floor, then...

Regulations have proven to create obstacles for economic growth. When regulations inhibit new participants in economic activities, then it needs to be reigned in wisely. In short, some regulation is needed to keep companies on the up and up in their industries. However, if you can't start a competitive business from the ground floor, then regulation inhibits people starting new businesses or surviving as a viable business. We must demand thoughtful review and elimination of regulation that has limiting consequences for a thriving free market.


How Obamacare Fails the Uninsured

by Charles Katebi The Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as "Obamacare," will begin selling insurance plans for the fourth year in a row this week. The big question on everyone's mind is: do people want Obamacare insurance? After all, the primary purpose of Obamacare is to provide affordable coverage to the uninsured. As President Obama said:...

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Block Grants: A prescription for Medicaid reform in Wyoming

by Charles Katebi Every year, Wyoming taxpayers spend hundreds of millions of dollars on Medicaid. Yet we have little to say in its management. The federal government mandates who Medicaid covers, what it pays for, and how it pays doctors. Because of all these mandates, Medicaid has grown too large and cumbersome to ensure patients have reliable ac...

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Medicaid’s Critical Condition

by Charles Katebi Governor Matt Mead's critics rightly chastised his plan to expand Medicaid without any foreseeable way of paying for new patients. Now it turns out we can't even afford totake care of patients already on Medicaid. In April, Wyoming's Consensus Revenue Estimating Group (or CREG) reported that the state will take in $110 to $130 mil...

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Medicaid's Mental Health Scandal

Charlie Katebi and Gary Freeman on KGAB discuss Medicaid's tragic impact on mentally ill patients and why Medicaid expansion won't provide them better healthcare access.  

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Medicaid, Mental Illness, and Malpractice

by Charles Katebi In the eyes of progressives, Obamacare provides for all of society's needs: It creates jobs! It heals the sick! It balances state budgets! Now the Obama Administration claims it expands healthcare access to patients with mental illnesses. According to a report from the US Department of Health and Human Services, 1.9 million low-in...

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Six Years of Obamacare, Six Broken Promises

by Charles Katebi In March of 2010, Congress rushed to pass a massive unread bill titled, "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," aka Obamacare. Now at the sixth anniversary of Obamacare we ask, "Has this legislation in fact protected patients, and has it proved to be affordable?" Here are six examples of promises Obamacare has broken: 1) Oba...

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The Road to Real Healthcare Reform

Charlie Katebi and John Birbari on KVOW discuss why healthcare in Wyoming is so expensive and how to make it more affordable. 

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Direct Primary Care: Lower Costs and Better Health

by Charles Katebi What is Direct Primary Care? Direct primary care is a direct patient-to-provider relationship that delivers quality healthcare at an affordable price. Under a direct primary care contract, patients pay their physicians a flat, monthly fee. And in exchange, their physicians provides a range of primary care services. These services ...

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The Black Market – In Milk?

The Food Freedom Act has passed in Wyoming. It decriminalized some voluntary capitalist acts between consenting individuals and not a moment too soon. Government regulation is no panacea and food regulation could soon become even more disconnected with its purported purpose of keeping us healthy. Seems the USDA may incorporate environmental sustain...

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“Regulation Freedom” at the Wyoming Legislature

The Legislative Service Office continues to post bills that will be introduced next month when the Wyoming Legislature convenes for the 2015 General Session. Recent appearances include some proposed joint resolutions. On the House side so far there is a proposed amendment to the Wyoming Constitution that would make the Wyoming superintendent of sch...

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