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Government Programs

Sometimes we need government programs for preserving a collective good for the people. Government programs come with expansion of government, unintended consequences and regulations. We need to vet government programs because they also can create dependencies on services that can be filled in a less costly solutions.

Are you flippable, Wyoming?

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Some progressive outlets are targeting Wyoming as a state that could be flipped to support Democratic causes such as expanding Medicaid coverage to able-bodied adults. Do you want to support their efforts, or do you want to keep Wyoming healthcare privately controlled? The Wyoming legislature is considering Senate Fil...

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Weekly Economic Report: Personal Income and Its Components

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff This Weekly Economic Review reports data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis on the composition of personal income in Wyoming. Main Point: Personal income in Wyoming is skewed toward equity-based and entitlement-based earnings. This should be taken into account when the legislature considers future changes to our sta...

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Legalizing Any Form of Marijuana Use in Wyoming is a Step Toward Liberals Flipping Wyoming to a Blue State Instead of Red.

As this article discusses, "Even cannabis advocates, like Rob Kampia, the co-founder of the Marijuana Policy Project, acknowledge that they have always viewed medical marijuana laws primarily as a way to protect recreational users." Read more from Alex Berenson as he discusses the intriguing evidence of a link between rising cannabis use and increa...

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A Snapshot of Wyoming Regulation in 2018

Any attempt to unravel a government's regulatory thicket is far more daunting than taking on an old mess of tack, ropes, and miscellaneous bits accumulating in a neglected barn. You don't know where to start and you just want to walk away and let it pile up.  But we don't have to walk away from Wyoming's regulatory thicket challenge just yet, ...

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Wyoming PAWS – Teaching to the Test Part II

Wyoming K-12 school personnel reportedly feel they've been required to "teach to the test" for a number of years now. Our previous article documented how, overall, the state is not excelling at doing that though a few individual school districts scoring well and a handful are showing improvement. This article focuses on the improvement (or lack of ...

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Republicans Can Repeal Obamacare’s Premium Increases

by Charles Katebi As President Obama prepares to leave the oval office, Senate Republicans started a parliamentary process called budget reconciliation to repeal key pieces of his healthcare law. They plan to eliminate a myriad of Obamacare's tax and spending provisions, but leave its health insurance regulations in place. This is a peculiar decisi...

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Donald Trump's Presidency Heralds the End of Obamacare

by Charles Katebi Last week marked the fourth and most likely the last year that the federal healthcare exchanges will sell insurance under the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. That's because Republican Presidential-elect Donald Trump vows to repeal Obamacare during his first hundred days in office and jumpstart real healthcare reform. At a spee...

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Skateboarding is Not a Crime

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Tuesday of this week, the Cheyenne City Council voted to replace an overreaching ordinance that criminalized skateboarding downtown. One of many ordinances that lead to overcriminalization. Overcriminalization is the result of thousands of petty, reactionary and mostly unnecessary laws interlaced with laws that make s...

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How Obamacare Fails the Uninsured

by Charles Katebi The Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as "Obamacare," will begin selling insurance plans for the fourth year in a row this week. The big question on everyone's mind is: do people want Obamacare insurance? After all, the primary purpose of Obamacare is to provide affordable coverage to the uninsured. As President Obama said:...

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Increase Public Safety and Save Money? I'm in!

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Comprehensive criminal justice reform could increase public safety, save millions of dollars, and give each non-violent offender a second chance. Over 95% of those incarcerated in Wyoming will eventually be released from prison, so we must consider what to do with these individuals while they are in the state's custod...

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