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Education Choice for the People

by Austin Hein

Earlier this year, the American Federation for Children (AFC) released the results of a poll they conducted, testing the favorability of school choice programs. The poll showed that 78% of people polled support education savings account programs (ESA). This begs the question: if nearly four-fifths of people support ESAs, why hasn't Wyoming even considered adopting an ESA program?

The AFC poll even showed that a majority of Democrats support school choice programs. The movement is growing as parents demand a better education for their children. Self-identified Republicans polled at 80% support for education choice. With those numbers, it seems absurd that the Wyoming Legislature has not lifted a finger to represent their constituents and support children. What could legislators be so afraid of?

The most vocal opposition of education choice reform comes from the likes of teachers unions and leftist interest groups. Perhaps the legislature feels threatened by these small groups and is unwilling to take the heat to support children and their constituency. Among the most definitive jobs for a representative is to actually represent their constituents. With an issue such as education choice, that has bipartisan support, there is no excuse for inaction.

The Wyoming Legislature is 88% Republican. Are we to believe that 88% of the legislature is so afraid of leftist groups that they will abandon the people who put them in office? That is shameful cowardice on display, and it is unacceptable. The Wyoming Legislature needs to get serious about doing their job and pass education choice reform.

ESAs are an option that polls highly among both sides of the aisle. ESAs function as bank accounts for parents to use on whatever education-related expenses they choose. That could be tuition, school supplies, transportation, tutoring, and much more. This program would drastically improve Wyoming's education system. It is far past time for the Wyoming Legislature to pass education reform. No more excuses.

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