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Obamacare's hidden cruelty to patients

Charlie Katebi and Glenn Woods discuss the debate over Medicaid expansion in Wyoming and why it threatens the health of vulnerable and low income patients. 

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Medicaid expansion’s hidden cruelty

by Charles Katebi There's no question that Wyoming needs reforms that make healthcare more affordable, accessible, and responsive to the needs of patients. Expanding Medicaid under Obamacare is not one of them. Instead, the program crowds out private insurance, underpays doctors, and delivers terrible outcomes to patients. For starters, Medicaid ex...

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Wyoming's Budget Crisis is a Health Care Crisis

Charlie Katebi and KGAB's Gary Freeman discuss Governor Matt Mead's budget cuts and how the state's fiscal crisis exposes Medicaid's empty promises to patients. 

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Saving Patients from Medicaid

by Charles Katebi Liberals frequently claim that Medicaid expands healthcare options to the less fortunate. But without major reforms, Medicaid will become a major barrier for patients seeking care. Medicaid's looming threat to patients stems from its wasteful reimbursement regime. The program pays most doctors, hospitals, and clinics on a fee-for-...

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Beating a Path to Medicaid Reform

by Charles Katebi Wyoming originally opted into Medicaid to help low-income individuals access medical care. But unless this entitlement undergoes systemic reforms, patients will find it harder than ever to get healthcare. At Wyoming's Joint Labor, Health, and Social Services Committee meeting in Casper, the Department of Health announced it will c...

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Of Marijuana, Whining and the Failure to Launch: A Lesson in Wyoming Lobbying

by Stephen Klein In the Fall of 2013, I attended a presentation from the Cheyenne Police Department on marijuana enforcement in the city after Colorado's enactment of its recreational marijuana law the previous year. Chief Brian Kozak was matter-of-fact, and was not there to advocate but to simply update the audience. This was not, however, the pos...

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How to Sunset Big Government

by Charles Katebi In civics 101, we learn how government works. Voters elect legislators, legislators pass bills, and bills become law. This side of government is transparent and accountable. But there is another side of government that is far less accountable. Once a bill becomes law, it's up to an agency to enforce it. Sometimes they effectively ...

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The Road to Real Healthcare Reform

Charlie Katebi and John Birbari on KVOW discuss why healthcare in Wyoming is so expensive and how to make it more affordable. 

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Why Was Medicaid Expansion Rejected and Is There a Better Alternative?

Charlie Katebi and KGAB's Gary Freeman discuss the legislature's rejection of Medicaid expansion and how Wyoming could provide better healthcare for low-income patients.

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Wyoming’s Collision Course with the Cadillac Tax

by Charles Katebi Wyomingites pays more for health insurance than residents of any other state. And thanks to Obamacare, we're about to pay a lot more. Starting in 2018, employer-based health plans that exceed $10,200 in premiums for individuals and $27,500 for families will be hit with a whopping 40 percent "Cadillac Tax." If you receive health in...

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