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The Celebrated Fake Frog That Is Taking Down the Deep State

By Karin McQuillan When President Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, the top constitutional lawyers in the country shared one predominant hope and expectation. Before the hearings, I spoke with five of the men who fought and won hard Supreme Court battles for religious freedom, property rights, and freedom of speech. All of them ...

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Education Funding in Wyoming and Transparency

Transparency Before Taxes Video, enjoy. 

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Wyoming Education Funding

The Wyoming school system receives $19000.00 a year per student for funding. Amazingly, this increase in funding has not yielded any improvements overtime in performance test scores. Why aren't our educators and legislators held accountable for this disconnect of funding and lack of results? The very fact that these actual spending, funding and tes...

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Special Districts reform bills and local property taxes

Boyd Wiggam and Glenn Woods discuss Special Districts, local property taxes and special district reform bills pending before the Wyoming Legislature. 

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Testimony: Pay Patients to Find Affordable Healthcare

by Charles Katebi Testimony before the Wyoming Labor, Health, and Social Services Committee, August 25, 2016 My name is Charlie Katebi. I'm a policy analyst with the Wyoming Liberty Group. I'd like to thank the Department of Health for researching and bringing greater attention to Wyoming's lack of healthcare transparency, and why we need greater c...

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Climate Hustle

Coming soon to a theater near you: Marc Morano's film describing the climate change scam: Climate Hustle. This will be a US premiere on Monday, May 2nd.  If you follow the climate debate at all, you know Marc Morano as the hard hitting, outspoken voice of the Climate Depot web site. Morano's hard factual and sometimes humorous approach serves ...

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How to Sunset Big Government

by Charles Katebi In civics 101, we learn how government works. Voters elect legislators, legislators pass bills, and bills become law. This side of government is transparent and accountable. But there is another side of government that is far less accountable. Once a bill becomes law, it's up to an agency to enforce it. Sometimes they effectively ...

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Veto and Override - A Power Struggle at the Wyoming Legislature

After months of review and mammoth change, the Wyoming legislature sent Governor Mead's budget back to him for his signature. When the governor sent it back – signed – it had more line item vetoes than ever before. The nature of Governor Mead's line item vetoes in the Wyoming budget bill created a couple of underlying themes. According to Governor ...

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Clean Power Plan Status in Wyoming

We won. The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will not spend any money on the Clean Power Plan (CPP) until the Supreme Court's stay on the CCP is lifted, if ever. Here, for the terminally curious, is the longer version. Wyoming has an extremely short budget session, 20 working days. To work within that, the budget bill is done as a "mirror ...

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Clean Power Plan: The Supreme Court's Surprise

On Tuesday, February 9, the Supreme Court stayed the Clean Power Plan (CPP), much to everyone's surprise. The Supreme Court issued a terse order, less than a page long. It gave no explanation and no indication of the thinking of the five Justices who voted for the stay. The Supreme Court has never before granted a stay of any federal regulation whi...

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