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Keep an Eye Out for Tax Increase Legislation in 2020

by Philip Baron, MBA As 2019 draws to a close let's look at the tax increase bills to watch out for in the 2020 budget session. Here is a summary of the tax increase bills that have been endorsed by the Interim Joint Revenue Committee for introduction in February 2020. Corporate Income Tax: Link to bill: National Corporate Tax Recapture The biggest...

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Wind Tax in Wyoming

By Philip Baron, MBA Decreased mineral tax revenue has led Wyoming lawmakers to consider raising the tax on wind energy from $1 a Megawatt Hour to $5 a Megawatt Hour. Wyoming is the only state that has a true "Wind Tax" of $1 per kilowatt-hour. When compared to other wind producing states in the West, Wyoming has had a lack of wind development sinc...

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Begging the Question: How Conventional Wisdom Leads to Higher Taxes

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Whenever politicians write bills about taxes and government spending they do so based on a an idea of how government relates to the private sector. This idea is rarely spelled out, and most of the time the politicians themselves are not even aware of how it affects their work. More often than we might want to admit, l...

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Instead of Tax Hikes: Medicaid Reform

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Of all the spending programs in the state budget, Medicaid is probably the toughest to reform. Half of it is funded by the federal government, with state funds covering the other half. There are a lot of strings attached to the federal funds, making the provision of Medicaid-funded health care a chore for providers (w...

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Instead of Tax Hikes: The Philosophical Case for Limited Government

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff As promised, here is the first installment in a series on why and how to reform government spending. This article addresses the "why" question; in addition to economic analysis, there is a distinct philosophical reason why government should be small and strictly limited. A philosophical examination of the role of gove...

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The Future of Highway Funding, Part1: The Bad Idea of a Miles-Based Tax

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff This blog is the first of two on the future of highway funding, here in Wyoming as well as nationally. As we have previously shown here at Wyoming Liberty Group, there are different views on how to fund our state's highway system, especially the interstates. We have presented arguments both for tolling the I-80, and a...

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What Is the Legislature’s Fiscal Policy Strategy?

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff The legislature is now past the deadline for moving bills out of their chamber of origin, and we can take inventory of the bills that proposed tax increases. The long story short is that our elected officials appear to have been listening to the opposition to tax hikes. The following bills that were written to raise y...

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Wyoming The Tax Hike State, Part 2

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Yesterday I gave an overview of what tax increases we can expect at the state level: tallying up the worst-case, but increasingly likely scenario, we are looking at half-a-billion dollars in higher taxes. This tax shock - which, I repeat, is no longer unrealistic but increasingly probab...

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Wyoming The Tax Hike State, Part 1

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Between the legislature, Governor Mead, the Wyoming Association of Municipalities and assorted local tax efforts, we as a state could easily be facing half a billion dollars in higher taxes. Half a billion dollars. This number represents a worst-case scenario, and until recently I thoug...

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Release - Concern about taxation disclosed in WyLiberty poll

CHEYENNE, WY: The Wyoming Liberty Group released its Taxpayer Protection poll question results today, showing that 65 percent of respondents are more likely to vote for a candidate who has signed a pledge promising to not raise state taxes. "The people of Wyoming are sensible so of course are more likely to vote for candidates who commit to voting ...

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Cheyenne WY 82009

Phone: (307) 632-7020

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1740 H Dell Range Blvd. #274
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