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Does Medicaid Expansion Boost Hospital Quality?

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff As an informed consumer, I have come to expect that if I spend more money on a product, I will receive a greater value and quality product than if I spent less money on it. Although this rule applies to cosmetics, clothing, and motor vehicles, the jury is out on whether or not throwing more money at healthcare creates...

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Instead of Tax Hikes: Medicaid Reform

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Of all the spending programs in the state budget, Medicaid is probably the toughest to reform. Half of it is funded by the federal government, with state funds covering the other half. There are a lot of strings attached to the federal funds, making the provision of Medicaid-funded health care a chore for providers (w...

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Are you flippable, Wyoming?

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Some progressive outlets are targeting Wyoming as a state that could be flipped to support Democratic causes such as expanding Medicaid coverage to able-bodied adults. Do you want to support their efforts, or do you want to keep Wyoming healthcare privately controlled? The Wyoming legislature is considering Senate Fil...

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Donald Trump's Presidency Heralds the End of Obamacare

by Charles Katebi Last week marked the fourth and most likely the last year that the federal healthcare exchanges will sell insurance under the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. That's because Republican Presidential-elect Donald Trump vows to repeal Obamacare during his first hundred days in office and jumpstart real healthcare reform. At a spee...

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Medicaid Expansion is Not Good for Wyoming Citizens

Rep. Marti Halverson - September 2016  Medicaid Expansion is Not Good for Wyoming Citizens. In 1965, Medicaid was designed to help poor pregnant women and their small children, the impoverished elderly and the disabled – the truly needed among us. (1) Under original Medicaid, Wyoming pays 50% and the federal government pays 50%. Under the gove...

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Obamacare’s expansion means less, not more healthcare

by Charles Katebi Since Obamacare became law, patients have seen their health insurance choices disappear. There are fewer insurers selling fewer plans with narrower networks than ever before. And now Obamacare's architects want to snuff out the few remaining private options and replace them with government rationing and substandard healthcare. Pre...

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Obamacare's hidden cruelty to patients

Charlie Katebi and Glenn Woods discuss the debate over Medicaid expansion in Wyoming and why it threatens the health of vulnerable and low income patients. 

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Medicaid's Empty Promise to Patients

In this short video, Charlie Katebi explains why Medicaid can't afford to take care of Wyoming's most vulnerable patients. It's time for something new. 

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Wyoming's Budget Crisis is a Health Care Crisis

Charlie Katebi and KGAB's Gary Freeman discuss Governor Matt Mead's budget cuts and how the state's fiscal crisis exposes Medicaid's empty promises to patients. 

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Saving Patients from Medicaid

by Charles Katebi Liberals frequently claim that Medicaid expands healthcare options to the less fortunate. But without major reforms, Medicaid will become a major barrier for patients seeking care. Medicaid's looming threat to patients stems from its wasteful reimbursement regime. The program pays most doctors, hospitals, and clinics on a fee-for-...

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