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Government-Sponsored Development—Less Than Meets the Eye

"We need to look like we are doing something for that community." Wyoming Sen. Wasserberger, Joint Appropriations Committee, January 26, 2015 Facing declining mineral tax revenues, the desire to continue spending and the inability, so far, to raid the rainy day fund, Gov. Mead's push to diversify the economy to create jobs and generate more tax rev...

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An Alternative to Medicaid Expansion

It was painful to sit in December's Labor Committee meeting and listen to the Department of Health and others advocate for Medicaid expansion. This is such a terrible idea in so many ways that it is hard to know where to begin explaining what is wrong with it. We get help from Gillette's Doctor John Mansell, who is on the front lines treating patie...

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Health Care in Wyoming and Your Legislators

Lorraine Quarberg and Glenn Woods from discuss Gov. Mead's position on Medicaid expansion, and what to do if you are unhappy about what your state government is doing. 

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Slush Funds Splash Subsidies on Data Centers

Back in 2012, Governor Matt Mead announced that Microsoft would build a data center in Cheyenne at a cost to Microsoft of $112 million. Since then, Microsoft has announced two expansions. Supporters cheered that the data center would diversify the economy and, according to Gov. Mead's press release, "bring high-paying, technology jobs to the state....

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