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Exposing the Campaign Finance Lobby

Sometimes it is difficult to show how the First Amendment and campaign finance reform are relevant to most Americans. But recent statements from a leading advocate of reform illustrate the significance of these issues. In April, the Democracy Alliance gathered in Chicago to discuss how best to shut down conservative policies. At the April meeting, ...

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Public Campaign Action Fund Discovers the Value of Free Speech

This week, the people in Virginia spoke and no amount of money could stop them. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor suffered a stinging loss to primary challenger Dave Brat. For those who despair the role of money in elections this primary upset is a curious case. Cantor, who raised nearly $5.5 million in funding, enjoyed a 26:1 cash advantage over B...

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WyLiberty Attorney Testifies for Changes to Wyoming Campaign Finance Law

SHERIDAN, WY – Wyoming Liberty Group attorney Steve Klein testified before the Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Committee today, his second appearance before the committee in their two-day meeting. Klein testified in favor of amending the Wyoming Election Code to comply with the recent United States Supreme Court decision Mc...

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WyLiberty Attorney Testifies for Changes to Wyoming Ballot Laws

SHERIDAN, WY – Wyoming Liberty Group attorney Steve Klein testified before the Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Committee today at their first meeting before the 2015 Legislative Session. Klein testified in favor of changes to the Wyoming Election Code that relate to collecting signatures for ballot petitions. "Under the Wyo...

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WyLiberty Attorneys File Free Speech Brief in Texas Case

AUSTIN, TX – Wyoming Liberty Group attorneys filed a friend-of-the-court brief today on behalf of WyLiberty and the Center for Competitive Politics in Texas v. DeLay. The brief is the second filed on behalf of both organizations, discussing the free speech implications of a criminal case with origins over a decade old. "In 2002, Tom DeLay and sever...

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C’mon, it’s just disclosure! (FEC edition)

Last week we filed a supplemental brief in Free Speech v. Federal Election Commission (FEC), a case that we brought on behalf of a small Wyoming grassroots group against the speech regulators in Washington, DC. We're hopeful that our case will be heard, because the issues we raised nearly two years ago when we filed suit have only become more press...

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Government Truth Commissions Make Politics Dirtier

In 2010, the website PolitiFact called Republican claims that Obamacare is a "government takeover" of healthcare the "Lie of the Year." Last year, PolitiFact gave the title to President Obama's claim that under Obamacare "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it." Obviously, PolitiFact's authority over what constitutes a "lie" is question...

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WyLiberty Attorneys File Brief Highlighting Government Secrecy

CHEYENNE – Wyoming Liberty Group attorneys filed a supplemental brief with the United States Supreme Court today in the case Free Speech v. Federal Election Commission (FEC), discussing recent events at the FEC and how they should impact the Court's review of Free Speech's case. "Since this case began nearly two years ago, the FEC has insisted that...

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Demons at Democracy’s Doorstep? A Reflection on McCutcheon

This year's parade of electoral horribles is out again. Every year that the Supreme Court hears a challenge to campaign finance laws a small band of self-titled reformers cry out in customary despair. These last two weeks have been no different following the Supreme Court's decision in McCutcheon v. FEC. McCutcheon asked whether the government coul...

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WyLiberty Attorneys Call for Immediate Change to Wyoming Election Law

CHEYENNE – Wyoming Liberty Group attorneys delivered a letter to the Wyoming Secretary of State and Attorney General today, asking them to immediately cease enforcement of a provision of the Wyoming Election Code that limits aggregate political contributions in state elections to $25,000. The letter follows a decision by the United States Supreme C...

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Cheyenne WY 82009

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1740 H Dell Range Blvd. #274
Cheyenne, WY 82009

Phone: (307) 632-7020