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How could a government cut its budget by eight percent and arrive at a $75 million reduction in spending?

In December 2011, Wyoming Governor Matt Mead called on state agencies to cut their budgets by between five and eight percent. An eight percent budget cut would have amounted to $75 million, and this news created quite a bit of stir in some quarters, and quite a bit of confusion in others. While some asked: how will people survive such draconian cut...

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Families need to pay more in gasoline taxes?

A cabal of special interest groups seems to have convinced Wyoming's governor and more than a few legislators that families need to pay more in gasoline taxes. But with the possibility of a Taxmageddon hitting already overburdened families in January, the last thing the legislature should be doing is hiking fuel taxes.  

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The government is crying in its cups about a lack of money

The government is crying in its cups about a lack of money. However, according to the Heritage Foundation, Taxmageddon means Wyoming taxpayers would face an $836.5 million tax increase. This includes: $288 million in Bush-era tax rates: $216 million because of expiring payroll tax cuts: and $332.5 million in new Obamacare taxes. Imagine if the gove...

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Are the ads we created considered ‘advocacy’?

A Wyoming grassroots group, made up of three regular guys, asked the Federal Election Commission (FEC) if the ads they created would be considered 'advocacy.' If the ads were, it would mean the group would have to register with the government just to speak about issues like gun rights, land rights and health care they consider important. The paperw...

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The FEC continues to ignore Supreme Court rulings

For reasons only known to the FEC, it continues to ignore Supreme Court rulings. It's time for that to stop because ironically, campaign finance laws do more than big money ever could to shut people up and confine participation in politics to the wealthy and connected. It's time to overturn vague and overbroad laws, and let Free Speech live up to i...

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A behemoth budget bill

It's been a busy budget session and our cartoon this time tells it like it is. Not only do our citizen legislators have to wade through a behemoth budget bill, they have another 250 that they have to vote on, whether they know what they're about or not. This makes it all the more important for citizens to keep an eye on what's happening and let leg...

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You are battling a government that is every day more like an octopus

Does it seem like you have less and less of your own money to spend and jobs are harder to come by? That might be because you are battling a government that is every day more like an octopus; while you confront an ever increasing burden of government head on, its tentacles reach around and pick your pocket with hidden taxes. 

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The burden of ever-inflating government

We struggle under the burden of ever-inflating government. Just let go! Down-to-earth free-market alternatives to ballooning government worked in the past and can work again. 

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Liberty Squashed by the Legislature

This comic represents the Wyoming Liberty Index, maintained by the Wyoming Liberty Group but scored by volunteers. 

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A flagrant example of media bias

When we spotted a flagrant example of media bias, we thought this cartoon would help explain it. 

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Cheyenne WY 82009

Phone: (307) 632-7020

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1740 H Dell Range Blvd. #274
Cheyenne, WY 82009

Phone: (307) 632-7020